
Best collection? I dunno...I still like Stella's 2005 collection. Runner up is last year's Lanvin.

Donatella's "no real women" rule isn't going to stop bloggers from posting pictures of their loot...and many bloggers aren't "on brand." In fact, I encourage all bloggers to post pictures and link to H&M's Facebook and Twitter accounts.

Great video, but I think it's been around for a while. I saw it over at a while ago.

Heh... my husband is 3 1/2 months younger than me (and not Chinese (or even Asian) or Catholic)... no one's really judged, but I guess not HK raised means they're don't say anything to my face. Gawd knows what happens behind my back...

You don't need to cook or help with the kids because if you're successful like that, you're expected to have hired help. Hell, even stay-at-home moms have hired help because they're either spending the husband's money at Lane Crawford or working on the latest charity initiative. All while the husband has one or more

Come to Canada (well, Vancouver or Toronto if you want decent Hong Kong style food)! As for "ideal" jobs, true. I was in PR for a while, and my parents actively encouraged me to do something else. Because PR is not finance, medicine or law. And I was in event planning at a BANK (thought that would be

Meh, a fifth won't help. You're just going to get more people who sit there with their laptops and empty Venti cups.

And you wonder why so many people are depressed....oh wait, depression doesn't really exist to many of them (or they think it was a "middle class invention")

Five Starbucks in one mall? I assume that some of them are kiosks? Many malls here have more than one, but 5 is crazy. That said, I live within a 10 minute walking distance to about 12 of them (about 8 are under 3-5 minutes) if you include the one in a bookstore and another in a supermarket. Almost every condo

Yeah, but the women are actually marrying siblings. What about brother-husbands in the sense of being married to two or more unrelated men?

Are there any cultures that have "brother-husbands"? Because I can't think of any off the top of my head.

I don't know about the "religious reason" thing - A lot of people in Hong Kong, while not religious, were educated in Catholic schools - especially top (baby boom and older generation), especially Hong Kong's top execs/government people (if they have an "English" name, then likely they went to Catholic (or Anglican)

I don't think people there *LIKE* talking about LGBT issues. My family's from there and I don't know anyone who is out. I have cousins my age (early 30s) who think being gay is "gross" and are turned off by movies like Brokeback Mountain. They don't go as far as saying they'll disown their kids (all under 5) if

What's very interesting is that Snow White's features (as described in many versions of the story) consists of extremely fair skin and very dark hair - a traditionally CHINESE (and many other (East) Asian cultures too, I guess) standard of beauty. Now, I know that it's probably just more coincidence than anything

To be fair, asking who the "fairest" of the all in terms of skintone can also be Asiancentric (or probably more specifcially, Sinocentric (or other Chinese/Confucian-inspired cultures))

I'm ArtsSci'02! I love Ktown too, but I'm not sure if I'd like to live there-live there. It's too quiet for me, and really, the place is more for students than it is for adults. It's no wonder that the "townies" hated us (ok, generalization, but you know what I mean). It's probably because of that "bubble" you were

But that still means that one's teeth are too big for your jaw (I'm considered small-framed/typical Asian female, but I never needed braces. In fact, many dentists think I GOT braces!) rather than proportionate.

Yes, REMEMBRANCE DAY SALE. And if you want to know who it is, it's Macy's...yeah...they might not have stores in Canada, but if they're going to do any kind of business (including online orders), then they should do their homework.

But it isn't something that EVERYONE will get. In Canada and many other Commonwealth countries, everyone, from politicians to news anchors and regular, every day people wear them. A politician or news anchor/TV reporter who doesn't will probably be criticized.

John McCrae was an alumnus of the University of Toronto and a member of Zeta Psi. I believe the U of T chapter has a framed copy of the poem, which is read at all Remembrance Day services. Remembrance Day is considered very serious and the services are very solemn. I got an email from a US retailer doing online