
Don't like how they're making her look 25...If you want someone to look 25, use someone who's 25.

It's not a Parliamentary system issue (I live in Canada and we've mostly had majority governments (save for the last three elections))'s just an issue of how people vote/parties they support.

Why do weird religious psychos have so much power? Or is it because the government's scared of them and therefore GIVING them that power?

But you could probably say that about any TV show or movie where the parents are immigrants, Asian, European, African or wherever. That's why movies like My Big Fat Greek Wedding were made.

But at least blacks have the Huxtables. Asians are stuck with whatever characters are found in #immigrantstruggle plots in Asian-American lit or the stereotypical characters found in movies...

Seeing "themselves" isn't always "seeing themselves." I don't think I need to say this again and again, but here goes: I see more of "myself" (female of Chinese descent) in movies/books/TV shows featuring upper middle class non-Asians than in ones featuring poor Asian immigrants (which is very typical of Asian

I'm on the fence about this one. I read a lot of fashion blogs where the blogger lists her stats and I find that it does help me whether or not to buy a similar looking item. However, I also realize that there are body image issues for this too.

I bet Jenna's house will end up selling for more than $3.75M.

Are the older kids homeschooled? They always seem to be travelling with the parentals.

The problem you run into with religion is that if you're interfaith, you might not have the choice of having a "religious" ceremony. There are some wacky rabbis/ministers/priests/imams you can hire (and a few "normal" ones), but they're often a little "different" from what one would normally expect - one reason why my

Sadly, I would think that it's higher than 56% for girls. I think it's closer to 90+%, especially when you factor in the mean girl comments in the change rooms. You know, the whole "Look at Jenny! She's still wearing an undershirt!!" or "OMG....Kelly got a bra! It's so ugly!" (this happened to me - I wanted a bra,

I can also say the same thing about TLC reality shows like 19 Kids and Counting and practically every right winged nut out there.

Hong Kong women don't all keep their names. Like I said in an earlier post, many more prominent women use both names. If we use my name as an example, it would be Cynthia Mintz Cheng Cin Cin (Mintz being my married name, Cheng being my maiden name and Cin Cin, my Chinese name (yeah, I have a double name as a "real"

I know many East Asian women who've taken their non-East Asian husbands' names (without hyphenating or adding a second last name like what I did). I don't think they really think much about it - it's just something they do, because most people in their circle change their names. Depending on the age of the person,

Yeah, but it's a process that takes a longer time, right (and you need official signatures, etc...). In Ontario (and other English speaking provinces), all you need to do is order a marriage certificate, wait for it to come in the mail, and when it does, take it to the bank, etc... to get your name changed on your

I have two last names. It bugs me to no end that I have to tell people my name is not hyphenated. It's just two last names. I chose to do this after I got married because I want a last name that would be shared with any kids we have. Besides, all married alumnae who changed their name are stylized as Firstname

Heh... this happened at one of my alma maters (my undergrad school).... the place has a reputation of a bit of a party school - to the point that they cancelled homecoming...

I think a lot of old Asian people "think British" when they think of Asian vs Oriental - at least in the (recent) past, "Asian" = South Asian, while "Oriental" = East Asian (especially Confucian-influenced cultures). In Canada, Indian, Pakistani, Sri Lankan, etc... folks are "South Asian" in demographic-speak, while

I know a lot of Asian people (mostly older ones or those not from North America) who prefer Oriental over "Asian." They believe that Oriental is more region-specific (i.e. East Asia) while "Asian" also includes those who're of South Asian and Middle Eastern heritages. Considering that the Forever21 founders are older

I was going to say that they look like bad imitations of Gwen Stefani's Harajuku Girls.