
Many nicknames/shortened names as legal given names aren't that great either. Katherines are better off than Katies and probably Kathys, though Kate is more neutral. I legally changed my name from Cindy to Cynthia right before I graduated from university for a reason.

Well, Jake is a "white" name when paired with last names that have European roots. I'm sure there are tons of guys with names like, say, Jake Chu.

No, not equating Bollywood to colonialism, but rather, perceived mocking of a culture in a costume party kind of way.

Right, but if they aren't 100% familiar with Indian culture and may be wearing traditional clothes incorrectly, some might see that as "mocking. This is different from, say, wearing a sari at an Indian friend's wedding.

Government should "Get the heck out of people's bedrooms..."? Not original, Rudy. Pierre Trudeau said something like this like 40-something years ago.

Congratulations. I hope people like him can change the minds of people in certain religious groups - maybe even entire groups, in general. There's a lot of good polishing that is very necessary in certain parts of the world.

I'm not 100% sure about the whole "white privilege" thing downthread - that white people don't always "get" that what they're doing might be racist. Would, for example, a bunch of Chinese people holding a Bollywood-themed party be "racist"? Especially if they don't fully understand how to put on traditional clothes?

I don't know about plantations, but I do know many non-white people (actually, make that non-WASP) who have weddings at country clubs that would not admitted them as members just a few decades ago. Or is this something different?

It's not anti-feminist to be healthy. People just need to eat healthy and exercise. We can't sit on our butts all day pigging out on ice cream and chips and call that a healthy lifestyle. It's the whole issue with bodies and how we judge them that needs to change.

"Associate" isn't the same as being a very close friend. As I said, this is a destination wedding. Destination weddings tend to have fewer guests - usually only very close friends and family. Also, if the couple were, say, Chinese, yet from London, UK, and there was not one non-Asian face in any of the photos,

Considering that this was a destination wedding, the guests may have only been family and very, very close friends (and do we know that none of the guests are non-white?). I know a lot of people who don't have extremely close friends who're from a different ethnic group, let alone race. And these are people born and

One man's junk is another man's treasure.

So you don't like the vintage-looking telephone? Bookends? Clocks? Personally, I'd LOVE to have some of these pieces - especially the phone (a big plus if it still works). Honestly, it wasn't a colonial themed party, a lot of people would probably be all over it.

True. I also think many members, especially the newer wealthy, look at the ability to join the club as a status symbol.

While the idea of the theme is tacky, you have to admit to like the vintage-looking decor.

I was in Hong Kong a few years ago and attended a birthday dinner at a very exclusive club, one that was only open to foreigners/expats "back in the day." They have walls and walls of pictures of (white) foreigners playing golf and local/Chinese staff holding parasols to keep them (well, the women, anyway) in the

Wait, if a lawyer at a traditional Manhattan law firm can't wear jeans to his/her place of work, why is it wrong to regulate what childcare workers can and cannot wear?

Seven looks almost like Steven/Stephen. Combined with Harper, I'm sure many Canadians were thinking something else...

Considering how trashy/crazy talk showesque the Old Testament was (and this was according to my religious studies teacher - an ordained Anglican minister. Yes, this woman actually said that.), a DVD lie this is NOT surprising. Ha!

Yeah, but there are fat people in countries with universal health care, too.