
Technically a stay-at-home dad will have to do the same thing (even though there are many, many, many more stay-at-home mothers).

For me, bare legs and sandals are for between Victoria Day (the next-to-last Monday in May) and the end of the Toronto International Film Festival (mid-September, usually). I can't wear pantyhose when it's like 30 degrees Celsius (86 F), just like I can't wear denim.

I've always thought that in a way, class isn't always about the amount of money you make, but your job and also, what you do in your spare time. That's probably why many plumbers who make six figures a year and listens to country music (say) might identify themselves as working class, while teachers who have mid-five

Post WWII Hong Kong (a lot of Chinese immigrants who came to Canada between the 70s and 90s were from Hong Kong) was not exactly rural and a lot of people lived in cramped, shared homes. You'd think that one would want a cottage with a big lot. Annnywwwaaaaay.....

I'd love to see a post on how different ethnic groups regard class and lifestyle. I remember being jealous of my white peers who had cottages (summer homes) while my family did not. It wasn't that we couldn't afford one. It was more that it was something that upper middle class Chinese Canadians didn't do (I think

Re cultural class: I agree that there's a difference. My mom didn't have that much money growing up in 1950s and 1960s Hong Kong, yet my grandparents scraped enough to give her piano lessons. My grandfather also took her and my uncle to "western" restaurants (pretty much nice-ish diners) and taught them how to use

Thanks, but try telling my 7 year old self that. I thought those sandwiches were weird.

Before "real"/"authentic" became more familiar to non-Chinese people in Toronto, I felt embarrassed about what my family and I ate. I felt that I had to "translate" my foods to the class (even though there were a few other Chinese kids there) and often got defensive about my lunches. I didn't necessarily bring

Same. My ultimate version of P&P is the one with Colin Firth. Now THAT'S Mr. Darcy. :)

Why is it that the most high-profile women in US politics are so embarrassing? Seriously, these ladies give women in politics a bad name. Heck, they make women in general look bad. Can women seriously not succeed without being uber-right winged, to the point that it makes you look pretty much idiotic?

You know what I find sad? While here in Canada, the military participates in Pride parades and the US needs a COURT ORDER to end DADT. Why can't the US military join the 21st century?

Our proportions aren't the same as a tall model's. Short people who're size 0 are proportionately more similar to a 5'11" model who is say, size 6 or even 8.

Let's look at it this way, Nicola Formichetti can dress short people (Lady Gaga being one of them). At least it's not all supermodel size.

I'm not sure if I'd want some strange person grabbing me and kissing me regardless of age. However, I'd also love to see the religious right respond to this picture. The sign is right outside of an Anglican church in Toronto not too far from the "gay village" (about a 20 minute walk).

The very view that a woman's income is "supplementary" is probably why men are less likely to stay home and probably why many Canadian men don't bother to take long parental leaves (which they are entitled to. Women who have been pregnant get 16 weeks maternity plus 34 weeks parental, which can be split with her

Measurements help EVERYONE. 32-23-33 looks VERY DIFFERENT on a 5'11" model than on a 4'11" style blogger.

Considering that many very thin women get comments about needing to eat a sandwich/cheeseburger, I'd say that health is brought up for them too. Besides, many thin (particularly SHORT, THIN and under, say, 30) women have other issues - such as being treated as if they were much younger (one might like being thought of

If it's picture after picture of pretty much the same thing, then yes, I'd say that it's a problem. However, if they are style blogs, then listing stats and sizes is actually important as it helps readers of similar size not only find clothing, but that they too can wear that look (and sometimes it's surprising what

Second hearted.

Umm, don't all brothers say their sisters are ugly? It's a brother thing, no? I don't have any siblings, but that's what a lot of my friends and cousins have told me.