
Looks like Anne Shirley's going to have a rival, with this gal being a redhead herself.

Sounds like fun. However, this is technically a renewal of vows, I would think. If they married in Ontario, their marriage would be recognized as legal, just like straight couples' marriages.

I think men become more polite if there are women in the group as well. Sometimes, old fashioned thinking (i.e. men should behave because there's a woman present) makes a place more grounded!

I'm not sure if it'll be too big for them. Plus lines, to my understanding start at 14. Even if they women were 12s (which I think they probably are), it wouldn't be hideously too big if pinned back.

You know, we really need to start looking outside of mainstream, traditional media as the only fashion/style guides. If you include bloggers, you'll see that there's such a wide range of body types and looks already. Yet, we don't seem to talk about them unless they're very, very, very well known.

How tall's your sister? Those models are 5'10 or 5'11. If your sister is average height, then size 14 on her will look bigger.

All the more reason to promote plus focused designers, no? I mean, magazines will continue to give the argument that designer's samples are always made smaller (doesn't have to) and other sizes aren't available until mass manufacturing.

LOL...I think only some of BC was like "whaaaaa?????" because Van has a lot of new Canadians who're more conservative. People seem to think conservative/right winged are crusty old white males, but I know plenty of new Canadians (Chinese and South Asian, mostly) who're generally conservative and are very freaked out

Looks like NYC had an amazing parade today. Ours (Toronto) is next's usually this weekend too, but I think the move has to do with the IIFAs - International Indian Film Awards (as I said in another thread earlier).

I think it depends on the city. "Toronto Gay Pride" gets me a rainbow... Our pride parade is actually next week, probably to coincide with the long weekend (both sides of the border this year...our holiday is on Friday, and the US holiday is Monday) and also so it wouldn't clash with the already busy festivities of

Yes, I am saying that people should be asking. That's what every single women's advancement group has said and yes, I agree with them. NETWORKING IS IMPORTANT, especially if you don't know people. It's what EVERY SINGLE women's advancement seminar has suggested (or at least the ones I've attended. I've never been

Don't diss Photoshop. Sometimes it's necessary for colour/filtre correction/changing. I use it all the time for my blog. It's only an issue when you change the entire look of someone (making them thinner, taller, etc...)

Non-white doesn't mean disadvantaged 100% of the way. Asians are not treated the same way as other minorities when it comes to, say, academic placement, especially at the undergraduate level (i.e. in the US, Asians have to have higher scores than any other race to get a place at many schools) So yes, in this case,

Catholics are Christians. Unless, of course, you're an uber-fundamentalist Christian who thinks that their own sect is the only true Christian faith.

How would the Powers that Be know what religion an individual is? Do you need some sort of ID to enter, say, the Western Wall? And if so, what happens if said ID doesn't state one's faith? No one will know that I'm Catholic unless I cross myself and say, out loud, the Hail Mary.

Not sure if I like Norway's idea of forcing boards to be 40% female. Couldn't that lead to qualified people not being picked because of a quota? Also people might have to stay on for ages and ages because of the quota. As for minorities on boards, the way I see it is privilege. If a board has, say, 3 Asians and

The "black quota" doesn't help when every single model on the runway is still around 5'11" tall and really thin for their height. I can't say that an outfit is "for me" just because I see an East Asian model, considering my height.

I didn't think people still hung their arms out the window while driving. I don't think I've seen it since the mid-80s. I did that once (as a backseat passenger) when I was like 4 and my mom said that I'd get my arm cut off. I think that was code for "don't do that, honey, it's trashy."

When are Republicans going to realize that it's none of their business who people decide to be with, as long as they're adults?

I was going to say that too...dudicures usually means no polish. Maybe it's because he's a bigger guy and therefore has bigger hands? Hands that need ummm....a lot of work to fix up?