
If she planned to come back soon after the baby, then she should make up the work. If she does not, then she should have taken the semester off. Anyway, it's a complete waste of money if she is still registered with the school, yet doesn't show up to her classes.

@se123: RIM *IS* doing all right, from what I've heard. Their sales are up. It's just that the stocks are down.

@MrCottonsParrot: So they're basically fame whores disguised as a cult/religion... kinda Scientology-ish without the aliens, huh?

@Extric: Don't think so. RIM calls their store Blackberry App World.

Does anyone think it odd that an American born woman would choose to parent a child in a very traditional, FOBby way? I mean, she would have been influenced by mainstream/white American culture growing up and in no way can truly be the stereotypical immigrant parent, right? Her views of Chinese culture have been

I drank one bottle of it and never bought another. It was really gross, IMHO.

I also want to say that my mom is KIND of like this. Growing up, my piano teacher always said that I was much more "musical" than many of her students, who were good only in technique. Mom agreed and was really disappointed when I slowed down my piano to concentrate on singing (and then eventually stopped all

@kalane: Well, multigenerational White and Protestant. I know Eastern European people with parents who emphasize on music (though never to this extreme) and my Jewish husband says that many Jewish families emphasize on education (and only certain types of education).

Profesor Chua seems more extreme than the most stereotypical Chinese/Chinese Canadian/American parent I've heard of. I've definitely seen 3 hr piano practice sessions (though these are more for the concert performer types), but no playdates doesn't really happen. Also, typically (or at least in my circle), a

@amphytrite: But what's the difference between going "omg look at this wtf" with this look and saying the same thing for the overly bleached blonde hair and orange spray on look a lot of white women have?

@sekushinonyanko: That's what I was thinking too. Not a fan of the look, but whatever floats your boat...

@amphytrite: They all seem to have the same type/style of make-up, thus making it "uniform" in that sense. It's the same bubble gum teen idol cover girl look that's plastered all over teen magazines in places like Hong Kong and Taiwan. I think a lot of first generation CBC/ABCs (Canadian or American Born Chinese)

@fortheloveof38: Pretty in the "bubble gum pop celeb cover girl" kind of way.

These looks are exactly why I nixed more Asian make-up artists than non-Asian make-up artists when I was looking for one for my wedding last year. There were plenty who made their BRIDES look like some of the women in those pictures. That look is fine for a 23 year old starlet on the cover of some teen fashion rag,

Why do people call 911 for the dumbest reasons? Weren't they taught as kids that 911 was for REAL emergencies? You know, like when your house is burning down?

Good to know I'm "average" LOL. As for the attention from men thing: I don't know. A lot of girls look pretty awkward when they first start their periods, yet still get depressed. For me, I didn't exactly "look attractive" until I was at least 16 (pimples, etc...)

The stuffed peppers look good! I like making them too, but a less carb filled version stuffed with lean turkey or beef (and steamed, too).

What are the hair policies for girls? I assume that long hair is allowed, as long as it is pulled up and away from the face. Even if girls' rules are applied for guys, the kid will still need to do something about his hair. No Bieber hair allowed means no Bieber hair allowed.