
@stellans: I don't know about the US, but women in Canada weren't technically "persons" until the late 1920s. This was several years after women got the vote and after the first woman MP (Member of Parliament) was elected. Maybe there's some legislation that was never erased?

I don't understand how some cultures are okay with adopting (and then tweaking) western culture (think modern weddings in places like Hong Kong, Singapore and Taiwan) while others want to ban/remove the western ideas from their culture (see original post).

I have another theory: Marrying an older man often means that he already has a family. This means that she doesn't necessarily have to worry about her biological clock, or pregnancy/raising babies interfering with her career since there is a ready-made family.

@Wagner James Au: George became the "attractive older guy" archetype the day he turned 40. He just has this aura of sophistication that many other guys his age don't have.

First of all, I'm saddened by her death. However, I really hope this doesn't bring the anti-size zero people out of the woodwork (again) too much. It's one thing about being anti-size zero on tall models, but it's a whole other issue for those who want to actually BAN size zero (or anything that resembles it).

@avocadosaredelicious: I think that's why Kate Moss was criticized way back when too. Kate is 5'6" and in the mid 90s, weighed just under 100 lb. Other models were 5'10" and around 120. Proportionately, she was about the same as the taller ones. I think a lot of people have trouble "getting" this whole proportion

Sometimes, I don't understand why some models are hired by companies. I'm not sure if that picture would make me want to buy the outfit or outfits. In fact, the Photoshopping and make-up job on Allie turns me completely off, and I'm sure it does for many other women. It's kind of scary, IMHO. As for the comments,

@timothynakayama: I think the fair skin = not working in the fields/plantations/etc was part of many Southeast Asian standards long before the Europeans came. Many countries (especially Vietnam, Laos, etc) were under Chinese influence/rule.

I'm confused. Didn't they always have programs like this? They were called finishing schools? In any case, I think lots of young people today really DO this - both guys and girls. So many rude people! Anyway...

There's so much lookism in many parts of Asia and sometimes they're "official" requirements for jobs - and these aren't for models/actors or even hostesses. I think I'm pretty decent looking, but being 31 and not tall, I'd probably be passed up for a lot of jobs

Those are real leggings that look like jeans. Jeggings very, very, very stretchy skinny jeans.

I'm wondering if another family member was on WW, and she just went along with it - as in whoever did the cooking at home was preparing meals based on a WW plan for the entire family?

@Definitely larger than most kittens: Thank you, Definitely larger than. As for the others, I don't understand what you're asking. In many cultures, the performing arts are meant to be hobbies, not careers (though a classical music career is somewhat acceptable. Ish. Acting and daning are probably the worst)

For some reason, this is a little fishy. I can't see her family being that strict if she was "allowed" to be an actress. I also think not understanding the dad's accent is kind of odd, considering that he's her dad.

LOL...I've also seen Baby Jesus tweets in previous years....think "whuz with that drummer kid...ra bum ba bum bum #annoying"

I am excited for The King's Speech. I'll be seeing it this week (wanted to see it when it was at the Toronto International Film Festival this year, but was out of the country)!

@ohtheclevernessofme: Oh, I agree on that part. Hong Kong Canadians who hire housekeepers often use the same slurs as those in the old country.

Aren't they kind of like geisha houses without the traditional clothing and tea?