
This is a cool way of voting and what we do in Canada to vote for party leaders. I just wish that we use it for other forms of voting too, now that Toronto is stuck with some sloppy Palin-wannabe as a mayor. EWWW.

Normal people have had their pictures retouched for years. I graduated from high school in 1998 and my picture was DEFINITELY retouched. I think my undergrad portrait was too (though they didn't do such a great job, I don't think). My wedding pictures, which were taken this year, will be retouched for the album.

@st41rw3ll:'s just that more people know about it now. I had a similar problem when I was 13 or so Two girls would phone me later at night - usually around 10:30 - about half an hour after my bedtime and would just ask random crazy questions and then giggle (today, they'd write crazy sh1t on a FB wall).

@LaFemme: Well, if we're talking about size acceptance, then yes, it IS about us. And why doesn't Jezebel talk about people like us as well? If you are small and unhappy with vanity sizing, you'd probably know about the growing community of bloggers who fit the bill. You know, sites like,

@RocktheDebit: LOL at the fashion design courses... There should also be courses like "Sometimes People Who're Size 0 Aren't Anorexic" and for fashion marketing people, "Vanity Sizing Can Be Emotionally Hurtful."

It shouldn't just be a calorie and fat percentage issue, but also the amount of sodium and sugar.

At my alma mater, everyone pays the same for the same kind of room (e.g. a double) whether they're in an old historical building, a crappy room that was "state of the art" and "modern" when their parents had it in the 60s or 70s or an ultra modern one recently built. Sucks, but it's true.

@crustee: The only thing I see wrong in the article is the diet ice cream (which is really gross, anyway). As a teenager, I was drinking skim lattes too (but not the kind with all the defeats the purpose of not taking in too much sugar/"bad" foods)

@crustee: Nothing new. I remember seeing that when I was reading Seventeen some 17 years ago. Kids *DO* need to know how to eat healthy (though eating diet ice cream is probably not a good idea to begin with) and exercise on a regular basis.

@artless.dodger: Yeah, but didn't Kristy like boys? I mean, she was "dating" the boy softball coach, right?

@Ribba: I think it depends on how you address the costume. I mean, if a dude wears a turban and fake beard and says he's Osama bin Laden, is it "racist"?

I had thought of doing this before I turned 30, but later decided that we'll probably go the adoption route. Like most women in this part of the world, I'm, at 31, not ready for a family yet. At least with adoption, I don't have to worry about the ovaries. I think they're already a little wonky.

I like the sweater in #10 and would totally get it if it weren't a turtle neck...tartan pants? Nuh-uh.

I think one of the reasons why people are fat-phobic is because many larger people - both male and female - tend to look sloppier than those who are not. This could be due to a lot of reasons, including the inability to find things that fit well (fashion industry, I'm looking at you!) to body image issues ("I'm fat,

@ihazakitty and it's all mine: He was in several musicals in the West End, including Miss Saigon (whoever played Kim at the time was one lucky gal) and I think, Sunset Boulevard.

@sissylarue: Wasn't there an episode where they sort of showed clips of a gay porn flick? I think it was season 5 or 6, but I could be wrong.

@ethyline: Then you probably don't want to be an alumna of girls-only independent schools modelled after schools in the UK. Alumnae of these schools, especially in Commonwealth countries are often called Old Girls. Most of these women are proud to be called Old Girls.

@godotmo: But why would someone with non-traditional/non-binary gender presentation want to go to an men-only school? These students can't all be legacies who were "guilted" into going to Morehouse, can they?

@tiredfairy: But we also hope that you culture and media awareness teachers aren't crazy like the one I had who basically hated thin chicks. She wasn't all "they airbrush the images to make them look thin/fix their flaws" but was more like "it's gross to be size 2" and no one should be size 2, even if they're 4'10"