
@briarbite: Again, you're referencing WHITE women. Like I said, I don't hear of as many non-white, non-South Asian women dying due to being victims of domestic violence. Toronto is 48% non-white, yet most victims seem to come from ONE ethnic group (yes, I know, Pakistan, India and Sri Lanka are different countries,

I just want to add one more thing. Why can't we criticize this culture when many of us do the same with Christian fundementalists? A lot of sites I go to go on and on about how the Duggars are out of touch because of their religion etc, etc... We can even say that the Duggars are being "abusive" to their children

@CassandraSays: You do realize that criticism doesn't only come from outside cultures, but inside as well, right? I don't understand why people at Jezebel automatically clamour "racism" every time something like this happens. And you know what? The clamouring is usually made by people who aren't from the culture -

@briarbite: Yeah, but explain to me why domestic violence cases causing death in Toronto have a much higher occurence in South Asian (12% of the Toronto population) homes than say, Chinese (11.4%). As I said, I can usually guess the ethnicity of the victim before a name is released.

This is a d@mned if you do, d@mned if you don't issue. You can't NOT talk about these issues in relation to culture (because yes, it very well might be a case of parents losing face. I come from a culture (Chinese) where having face is very important, and yeah, if I screw up (and the definition of "screwing up" in

@chelabelle: But look at it this way...where I'm from (Toronto), I'd say that over 60% of all domestic violence cases ending in death happen to women of certain cultures. This is before they even mention the victim's name or where the crime happened. Let's just say that last names are probably not Wong, Smith,

@syneblue: You know what's interesting? It was like that in China/Hong Kong back in the 1930s - right up until the 1960s. Typical upper/upper middle and even middle class men would wear suits, while the women were in cultural clothing. Things changed with the boomer generation, though. The only time I've seen my

@individa: Don't places have limited time policies for returns?

@BuffySummers: They're salespeople first and not stylists. They don't necessarily understand what people want or what looks good on them - they just want their money. I mean, if salespeople knew what they were doing, then people who're not standard sized might actually look better in clothes.

@vamusical: I agree on the rural/urban thing...but to a certain extent. Many urban areas have lots of immigrants who hold on to old country beliefs, especially when it comes to women. I was surprised to find MY OWN relatives, who have been in Toronto for decades, to ask me if I'm still a virgin....yeah. I'm 30 and

@Peppermint: That's actually similar to the "my name is ____" comment. They want their $$$, you know.

I get these comments all the time. That's probably because many stores actually DON'T have my size. Especially with shoes...and as we all know, you can't alter shoes...

@pandorasmittens: We take longer. The ladies' room at bars have long lines too (and are often really least by developed world standards), and there are no kids there.

I think either way, this girl is screwed. If she didn't try to kill the baby, it's possible that no hospital or clinic will hire her once she graduates from med school because she's an unwed mom. Now that she's probably going to be charged, she won't get a job either.

@zee: I don't know how the med school system works in India, but in some countries, you do maybe two years of general undergrad studies and then move on to medical school. This girl has high school and some undergrad done, but she doesn't necessarily have the equivalent of a bachelor's.

Holy Lilo overload!

I also heard that Prince doesn't like the Internet...thinks it's a fad

Hey, that's MY CRACKBERRY!

@meg9: Or that Kim and Kourtney weren't stretched??

When I was younger (high school and university), I used to think that guys didn't like me because I looked too "childlike" (I have a very young face) and liking me was creepy (this comes from my media teacher saying that real women were not straight up and down). That's probably why I didn't have sex until I was well