
@LadyTudorRose: Should also add that I don't understand how IQ tests are linked to race/class. I have told this story on Jezebel before: My dad grew up in the post-WWII Hong Kong projects (i.e. it was more "ghetto" than the ghetto). He probably had very little exposure to non-lower income Chinese cultures until at

@LadyTudorRose: True "bluebloods"/old money men probably aren't going to marry unintelligent women (at least not the first time around). It wouldn't "look good" to the family. The rich men who DO are usually newer money.

Doesn't it depend on what KIND of rich man, though? And what is "rich" anyway? To some, a person with a $150K a year salary, a nice car, house in the city and a summer home is "rich," while others call that "comfortable." Also, guys like that probably won't want a bimbo type woman as a wife - it doesn't look good

@leviathan: and not with what appears to be a camera app on a phone.

@agavepulquero: I asked a short designer who makes menswear whether he's ever thought of making and selling clothes that would actually fit HIM. He gave me a dirty look and made up some stupid spiel on tailoring (even though he darn well knows that tailoring doesn't always work). This guy is NO MORE than 5'4" and is

Specialty sized clothing only exists in the lower to mid-ish range markets. If you want higher-end, you are out of luck. Because the designers don't give a hoot about it.

For some reason, I'm not able to edit, so, but I wanted to add that the pictures look like they were taken by a cell phone....i.e. BAD QUALITY!

According to the stats on Facebook, the girl on the right is taller than the girl on the left, yet the pants are much, much longer. Actually, I don't think the ensemble looks that great on No. 3.

I think religion shouldn't influence governments on marriage. I'm in an interfaith relationship and neither his religion (Jewish) nor mine (Catholic) will see us as "married" once we are married. I have a friend whose dad is her mom's second husband. I don't think her mom got an annulment before marrying her dad, so

@michaeldgorman: Because then couples like my fiance and me (he's Jewish, I'm Catholic and we're having a civil ceremony in August) won't be getting married - we'd be having a civil union and it doesn't sound as good.

@Winston Smith: Wouldn't that mean that they all looked a little..."off," being so genetically related and all?

@fatchickintheTARDIS: To be fair, the woman is 5' tall. Size 16 at 5' is like being a size 20-something at 5'8".

Bridal gowns haven't fallen victim to vanity sizing to the extent of "street clothing," so expect to be up at least one size when buying a gown!

But a Broadway revival of the musical is coming in 2012!

@passionaria: I think it's a J.Crew thing. They also combine socks with pumps...strange look, I think.

Sterilizing everyone? There go the OB/GYN, condom, Pill, etc, etc industries...

@zombiepanda: The issue here is that money goes much further in emerging countries than in the US, which means that the Gateses can help more people abroad.

@MizJenkins: the hair is a little strange for an 8 year old too. But then again, it's Hollyweird.