
High school sux. Period. In my school, which was girls-only, most Asian girls fell into two groups: Foreign and Canadian (or more like Hong Kong Chic and White Washed Party Girl, since there were plenty of Canadian-born girls who were more culturally attuned). If you weren't Hong Kong Chic (basically

@MotherChucker: Lucky. You don't get cool courses like this at Queen's. Just your boring ol' stuff....except for a classical theatre course I took. The prof allowed us to self-evaluate 50% of the entire course! Yeah. Dude was lazy.

@jf79: Best in a phone is not best-best.

Question: Has she always been Carrie's dub, or just for the movies? Does anyone know?

iPhone 4 innovative? Not really. Features aren't anything we haven't heard of before, and iMovie for iPhone is kinda pointless. It's hard to edit on such a small space! In any case, there's no mention that this version is 4G.

HD video on a phone may be cool-ish, but the still camera sux. 5 megapixels isn't that much of an improvement, especially since regular cameras are 12.SOMETHING. Also, is this phone 4G or not? Jobs didn't say anything.

@amowls: Depends on which edition of the book you have. Older editions have Carrie and Big together.

Hey CK, stop overly Photoshopping! Shrinking the body and extending the legs makes the image look weird!

Yeah, but in that time period, you couldn't be too fat, either. The "fat" had to be in the right places.

I'm pretty much full-blooded Chinese, but Vietnamese people seem to think I'm Vietnamese and Filipinos think I'm Filipino. I get Filipino more, though, since a lot of people in my building hire nannies/housekeepers. Several have asked me on the elevator whether I'm Filipina or not. I have also had people stop me

Just thought you might want to know: Petites are showing up on the US site, but not on the International site. Strange!

I like the top in page 13 and the dress on page 3. I really, really like the dress on page 3...

It's funny. I never knew that softball player = lesbian until the past few weeks. I thought that a girl/woman who played softball was a girl/woman who played softball. Most of the girls on the softball team at my high school dated boys and were the furthest from what a stereotypical lesbian looked like. Why don't

Marketing in general was crap for this movie. When the first movie came out, I recalled seeing shoe stores involved with marketing. David's, a fancy store in Toronto's Yorkville area, even had a window display of the types of shoes each girl might wear (plus one little section for Mr. Big). SATC party promos seemed

@MizJenkins: Like I said, in regular day-to-day life, there really isn't much I do that isn't "typical" or is seen in other cultures. Weddings and holidays are another story if you look at tradition-traditions. But I've also had fights with my parents regarding what traditions I want in my upcoming marriage (i.e. NO

@MizJenkins: Taking shoes off inside is actually quite common in white families in colder climate areas like Toronto or in the upper midwestern US. Just FYI.

@MizJenkins: Typically, the modern Upper Middle Class Asian-American/Canadian is white-leaning/similar to white culture. Ever been to Hong Kong or Singapore? Ever visited a home in the Peak? It's even more so there. We're talking about a local "international school" or foreign/boarding school education for high