
I know my fair share of TMITs (Teenage MEN in their Thirties) as well as TMIFs. The TMIFs who're in their fifties are the freakiest.

Betty looks sad in photo #8.

I like J.Crew's stuff, but I've been "sized out" of a good 80% of their clothes :-(

@la.donna.pietra:You're right, perhaps it is regional...or that the weddings I've been to were either Catholic or Anglican/Episcopalian where it's often a no-no.

I'm sure this has already been addressed, but why did they use a song by a guy who beat up his girlfriend? Just wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong.

Virginity test? WTF?!!

I'm Chinese Catholic, my fiance is Jewish (mostly Russian, some German). I'm not sure if I'm going to convert or not because I've heard stories about non-white Jews not being treated very nicely at Temple. Then there are the "OMG, really?!!!" looks when you say you're Jewish - you don't get that if you're, say,

I don't think the doctor is the biological father of the two older kids. Paris, at least, looks like she could be part hispanic.

@toastandlove: What's Francie doing with Ken? I didn't know that Ken was a slut. HEHEHEHE

@quesadillaap: Well, French and Italian people are white, yet few people will (real) French and Italian food, bland.

Diversity seminars, especially those for the work place, NEVER work. They often address cultural issues as if they were universal (e.g. never give clocks to people of Chinese descent as a host(ess) gift because they believe that it is bad luck. You know what? I'm of Chinese descent and the first time I found out about

I hear they're going to be opening AFs in Asia (serious! I know a few people in HK who LOVE the store...there are also those who don't like it because of past issues, but anyway...) How are they going to hire staff? I know a lot of Asians (at least those who're small-framed) who like the brand because the sizes tend

@vamusical: It might be cultural. I think Wonny Song is Asian, and growing up, every Asian person I knew took piano and/or violin lessons. To not take such lessons pretty much implies that a family is "not cultured" and/or is depriving a child of "culture." Besides, Wonny Song is a classical pianist.

You need good manners and appearance to get a decent job. I know a few people who work in staffing agencies and they tell me that a lot of the twenty-somethings seriously do not know how to dress for an interview. I've seen this for myself too. A few years ago, I was at an interview and saw flip flops and strappy tops

If Jimmy Choo is doing the fall designer line, I'm guessing that there's no fall CLOTHING collaboration this year.

@Pixley: Claudia probably has fast metabolism. She'll probably be skinny until she's in her 20s/early 30s and then the fat'll come. She's skinny fat.

@la.donna.pietra: Hey, Canadians are SUPPOSED to be metric, but I don't know anyone who uses centimetres for their height outside of official docs like a driver's licence.

@heykoukla: I made a video a couple of years ago urging magazines and other media to pay attention to non-standard size designers. Not that anyone cared/listened...