
@TheGirlWithTheGoldenEyes: You can still make Chinese food without ingredients from China. Plenty of products are made in Taiwan, Japan and even in the west.

DID NOT like Eva's dress. I'm sorry, but that thing around the chest area overwhelms her tiny figure. Also didn't like Marcia Cross's dress that much either. Sorry, Housewives.

@Vet66: That's exactly why the soya sauce in my house comes from Japan.

I just noticed that Jessica's quote wasn't flashed on the screen. They posted the other woman's quote instead.

@funnyface: That's the best name I've heard!

@Dauphine: Though we DID have a female PM...she lasted oh, three months...and she wasn't elected in by her riding in an election or by-election, just by party delegates when Brian Mulroney resigned.

@Princess Leela: No, but I'm also sick of people making it sound like ALL women under size 4 are ill or "unwomanly." How do you think it makes naturally size 4 or less women feel?

@Princess Leela: A 14 or 15 year old could still have baby fat. By 18, she could have lost it all, making her skinnier than she was at 14 or 15. I lost about 5 lb between 16 and 22.

@Anointynointy: Why would they use weight to determine what's acceptable? Shouldn't it be based on waist/hips or frame? 5'3" and 98 lb can look EXACTLY like 5'3" and 108 lb. It all depends on one's muscle/bone mass.

@clevernamehere: But what about Australia and Canada? Both countries have lots of immigrants, yet Canadians and Australians have fewer kids than Americans.

Studies have shown that having lots of babies often has to do with religious ties. Cultures that are less religious often have fewer kids. For example, the United States tends to have more children per capita than other developed countries. In addition, while immigrants tend to have more kids than multigen

On the clothes: I hear that some university students (and I guess high school kids) actually DO dress like they're up for a PR job. A girl I know from high school went to law school at a university known for its wealthy kids and party atmosphere circa 2002-2005. She said that the girls there wore Sevens and UGGs to

On Amy Poehler: We knew she was leaving and not coming back a long time ago. The story is that after she leaves, no one is going to co-anchor Weekend Update. Seth will be all on his own :(

@clamatohead: How old is Sally in the show? Eight? She'll be 14 or 15 for Woodstock, so it's unlikely she'll get to go. The boy 6 or 7. He'll narrowly miss the draft. I think both of them will end up partying it up at Studio 54 though.

If the girls are so thin, are the clothes altered for them? I'm probably bigger boned than these girls and I find XXS too big at times.

Clip should have included the evil queen/stepmom from Snow White.

@RhymesWithSilver: I actually think it would be interesting and even shocking if one puts a non-white model in a role of something that is traditionally seen as "white." I've always used the curtsying Asian girl as an example - the Asian debutante...something that isn't very common outside of Philippine culture.

@AthertonMerriweather: But don't designers ask for the type of models they want? I mean, if a designer said that she wanted girls who were 5'7" or 5'8" and no smaller than a size 4, shouldn't agencies try their best to send girls who are that size? Agencies are supposed to supply something that fits the vision of

@rednrowdy: Right but what about musicals which often casts non-traditionally? They've had a black Phantom, a hispanic Javert, and tons of Asian Eponines.

I think more people from non-white cultures should go into the arts themselves. I know it's hard in my community - even classical music is seen as a hobby, but perhaps it's time to rebel? I'd love to see YASPy roles out there (yah know, YELLOW Anglo-Saxon Protestant? Basically, someone who is "culturally" WASP, but