
@stoprobbers: The girl who discovered this is Asian or part Asian, based on her name. Maybe it's CBC revenge?

Do 12 or 13 year olds in Australia get the Hep B vaccine? Because we have to get it here. Hep B can be sexually transmitted too, but you don't really hear an uproar about it.

Congrats to Ellen and Portia (should that be Portellen?)!!

@fluffybudgie: Apparently, it's going to be at The Green Room on Brunswick this Sunday at 6 (I think it's 6)...I've sent an email to tips@jez and there's a thread about it on Canadian Jezzies (Facebook) as well.

What's with parents these days? I wasn't even allowed to touch beauty products, beyond moisturizers, a clear lipstick and Bonnebell's Lipsmackers before I was 12.

I think Toronto was planning one for this Sunday. Anyone know if it's still a go?

You know, the longer the fashion industry's lovefest with freakishly tall 12 year olds goes, the more difficult it is for brands like TLE and Allisonizu. I have been on message boards where people have ignored the interviews I've done (such as this or event coverages like this only because it isn't what the industry

@: I'd like the early 90s too. And I want GOOD 90210 (i.e. ORIGINAL CAST).

This is sad. I was a teen in the 90s and practically every issue of Seventeen, YM and Teen had stories about health, and often about HIV. I'm pretty sure I've read articles about girls who were HIV+. This was, of course, back in the day when Seventeen was kind of like teen Marie Claire, and had serious articles. I

I think the woman in the long dress was supposed to symbolize the epitome of glamour back in 1960s China/parts of East Asia (at least based on the period movies/TV shows I've seen). Girl on the right, on the other hand, was kind of skank.

The woman on the left looks more glamourous and IMHO, better, than the woman on the right (with the shorter dress).

RE size: I don't think it's as much about their actual height (except for the 4'6, 68 lb "sixteen" year old), but their faces as well. I checked the stats of the Japanese women's team, and their sizes seem to be closer. Most of the girls were around 4'11" and 80-something lb. And no one is saying that these girls

@Peripheralvision: Under 85 lb? That's tiny, even for southern Chinese. Heck, I weighed 93 lb in my earlier 20s and my mother thought I was too thin. Are you under 5ft tall?

@privityofestate: But that many of them, though? I wish I could find a picture of me when I was sixteen to compare with these girls. I'm pretty sure I looked older.

@pandorasmittens: China is *STILL* run by communists. They just have a freer market now, but everything there is still corrupt. I'm not surprised that these girls are under age and as young as 10 or 11. Sure, these girls are more petite, but now way are any 16 year olds 77 lb. I'm a tiny person, and I weighed 100

1. There's an Asian girl in this cycle!

Image #5: Skirts with socks? Are we what, 3 years old?

It's interesting how standards of beauty are different in various cultures. Many non-black minority actors who get work in North America are not considered at all attractive in their ancestral homeland. I know a lot of white guys who think Lucy Liu is attractive, but she's kinda weird looking by Chinese standards.

Doesn't Amy Winehouse give EVERYONE nightmares?