
JHo deserves a Razzie, eh? How many best supporting winners have received Razzies? Cuz the best supporting Oscar is the Kiss of Death.

FYI: Did you know that Patrick Stewart once played Othello? But everyone else in the cast was black. Reverse Othello.

@CreoleSugar: I'd say that it would depend on the city, the neighbourhood and the ethnicity of the person. A non-white woman might be seen as "help" in Rosedale in Toronto (Rosedale is generally seen as very old money and WASPy) but she's less likely so in the Bayview and York Mills/Lawrence areas (new(er) money).

Who's the girl muppet next to Elmo?

I did one of these and I think my choices revolved around the performing arts. I'm a writer/admin coordinator right now.

Another thought: I'm beginning to think that people seem to accept colour-blind casting in theatre but not television because (I hate to say this) people who go to live theatre on a regular basis are generally a little more "enlightened" than?

@ProjectZoe: O-Lan was played by Luise Rainer, not Katharine Hepburn. Katharine Hepburn was NOT in The Good Earth.

Question: Why is it okay when a non-white actress plays a role that is traditionally written for a white actress but not okay the other way around? I mean, Brandy played Cinderella, right? Or is that different because it's a musical and it's....well, Cinderella?

Melissa Gilbert: From Laura to Ma? It'll take a little getting used to, but KEWEL!

Why is it that when people think "model" they think career? Some people want to model on the side, just for "fun" and I think the ladies in this case (at least some of them) are doing just that. If there's a niche where they can do just that, why not go ahead? There are girls who're 5'3" who want to model, and if a

@hamburgerhotdog: I went to a day camp that my church ran. It was just like regular camp except we had to go to mass once a week.

I should also add that I went to music camp. Real music camp, not I'm such a city princess that the only "camps" my parents send me to are band camps at university campuses. Almost all girls (the few guys in my program were pretty much all gay). Almost all from artsy schools (except me).

I had a nemesis not at camp but in Brownies. This girl thought she was the coolest thing, better at everything than me. And she used to say that to my face. Made me feel like I wasn't good enough in anything other than being older than her.

I'm sure the movie will do well for at least the first weekend. I was told that it's basically impossible to get tickets for this weekend's all been sold!

I *LIKE* Hugh Laurie's accent. Brits do better American accents than the other way around.