
My Poh-poh (maternal grandmother), who took care of me when I was a kid while my 'rents were working, told me never to date white boys. Guess who I'm dating now? So no, I don't think parents/caregivers necessarily influence you on ANYTHING.

If you were born between 1976 and 1981, Angela Chase/Claire Danes WAS THE ICON for this segment of a generation. This is an age group that never really was marketed to. Too young for the Brat Pack of the 80s, too old for the teen scene of the late 90s and 2000s

I LUUURRRVE J.Crew. I'm probably going to get a few items while the Canadian dollar is still over 95 cents US.

On the topic of Hong Kong: The shameful legacy of colonialism also brought high education standards and a system of education that Hong Kong parents still embrace. Do you know how many students from Hong Kong attend boarding schools modeled after the UK school system?

Another double standard. It's okay for a girl to play with boy's toys but when it comes to boys playing with girl's toys (personally, I don't really consider this kitchen set a "girl toy." It's not like Mom got him a BARRBIE kitchen set), it's "oh noz! He's turning into a girl!"

6'1" Way too tall, IMHO. Hate the fact that only tall girls can be considered truly beautiful in modern society. At least 5'2" Reese Witherspoon is the highest paid actress in Hollywood. Yay us shorties there.

Public schools (and private schools) are only good if the majority of kids are encouraged by their teachers and parents to succeed. Where I'm from, the best public schools tend to be in well-off areas where many of the parents who live there could very well afford to send their kids to expensive university prep

There are girls who go Greek because they feel that it's a good way to network. Though I'm not sure if many 18 year olds actually FEEL that way.

Many of the front/well-known runners aren't what many would consider "traditional" candidates. For example, Hillary is female, Barrack is biracial, Mitt is Mormon and Rudy is Italian-American. How would this hold in the more traditional, "red" states?

Some nut cases are now calling that Ms. Gibbons be EXECUTED! It's a very sad day for teddy bears. :-(