
Apparently the kids weren't punished because they're kids. Methinks she was punished because the kiddies VOTED on the name.

5'10 and 130 lb....that's why Shia is stuck playing 15 year olds.

That's why I keep my nails short. No chipping when I text on my phone, no chipping when I type out e-mails and other correspondenct or when I IM! Well, that and having taken piano lessons as a child. My very strict piano teacher HATED long nails!

I was a Brownie and then a Girl Guide for a year. I tried to do the Religion in Life Emblem, but never really managed to finish the work for it. Bad me!

Kate's height has actually been reported anywhere between 5'6" and 5'8"

The online mags of publications that exist in print aren't the same thing.

Britney is PREGNANT??? Someone, please call social services!

Posh is scary.

It's so weird. I used to think the ladies were soooo old, but Rue McClanahan was probably in her early 50s when the show first started.....younger than MY MOM IS NOW!!!

Britney's allowed to adopt from China? Hmmmm. Scary thought.

Sad girl.

Peter Pepper? What kind of name is zat???

Other faves:

I say that we're way, way, way too over-protective of the kiddies today. We're also dumbing everything down. Elmois not cute. Elmo is just plain annoying. Who wants a bratty child like that? No wonder he's a monster.

Too old and too short.