
It has been years since I read that but, didn't The Calmative give everyone Alzheimer's?

Blues Brothers 2 was a horror movie.

I mistook The Ring for Videodrome but then I remembered I was old and guessed The Ring.

I beloved Toni Morrison and your handle and BSG and I didn't hate the ending and I love run on sentences and I liked Bionic Woman but I don't remember why so that probably means it was not that good because I get really into things that I love. Laugh while you can, Monkey Boy!

My wife and I moved into a new town last year. We have no children so the families that do have them don't know us and our front door is up a driveway off the street. Plus, we live on a busier street BUT there are plenty of cul de sacs around it. Both my wife and I were disappointed that we got only one group of

You left out a word. "Stupid" Bruins fans will say ...
This has nothing to do with the Savvy hit since Cooke isn't in Pitt anymore and most Bruins players probably couldn't pick Ulfie out of a lineup. It was a mess of a game for both sides but all that old business has no part of it.

As I stood at my seat watching the aftermath I said how stupid of a play it was by Thorny. It is unlike him. If you've watched him play you'll know he is an "honorable" tough guy. I cannot count how many times he has stopped throwing punches when a guy has the jersey pulled over his head or is in a vulnerable

Rearviewmirror - Pearl Jam

NASA has jumped the frog.

They were guided there by a haggard old sea captain played by Doug McLure.