
The stuff with piss/shit is just straight up nasty.

To those wishing death on him, I ask you to consider just how much more he could suffer if he stayed alive for another 2-3 decades, humiliated and alone.

As someone who survived Covid-19 earlier this year, I would never wish it on anyone, except for Donald Trump.

My favorite is when folks who have pinned Tweets with a variant of “fuck your feelings” start pearl-clutching about the uncivil behavior of others.

By all means, let’s be kind to the man who never has been.

Seriously man - this was the first article I planned to fully disagree with you, because we’ve been laughing about this all morning. My 8yo came downstairs, and when I told him the news, literally threw his hands up in the air and shouted “YYYESSSSS!”

He needs to swap his coke out for bleach, maybe?

Hypocrisy, thy name is Trumpers.

I was getting ready to drag Mr. Young. Crisis averted.

You got me, man.

they won’t. Remember, the thing fueling anti-mask protest is fear. People are terrified of the notion that an invisible disease can cut you down, so they double down on conspiracy theories or anything that says they don’t. have to be afraid.

So if he really did get it? Oh it’s not that big of a deal.

And (god hoping) he

You must get PTSD looking at this one.


Looks like God voted early.

Heres a question though....did he really?

That nigga done fucked up to the point they had to find a way to hide him “legitimately”. Now you know why the RNC did everything in their power during the Republican primary to keep Trump from debating anybody. They knew given enough time he would fuck it up! 

“Hang in there, buddy!”

I don’t know that I would do a better or muscle car like people are talking about. That would involve customizing battery storage. But I can see doing a pickup or SUV, and build something to hold a factory battery pack safely in the bed. You won’t lose much space, and it will be easy to access if you have to work on

The batteries, along with the wiring, are also the dangerous part. And I have seen enough sketchy DIY stuff to not trust any electric car conversion.