
I fail to see your point, but that could just be the syphilis.

True, though it’s worth noting that as part of those bankruptcy proceedings Take Two would be one of his claimants, so then they would get a say in the proceedings.  If he has any tangible property like a home, they could fight the bankruptcy and/or declare a lien (not lean as I spelled it before) on his home and then not correct. In civil suits like this, jurisdiction doesn’t have to be where the crime occurred nor where the alleged infringing individual is located. As long as the state in question has relevance to the crime, you can essentially pick which state you want to sue in. Since Take Two’s HQ is in New York

and ordered him to cease the sale (users had to purchase Elusive)

ya know, i was gonna post something else.. and it would not have helped all this negativity.. and then this..

A bit misleading to talk about the ability to change the audio when that feature is locked to the deluxe edition 

No reference to his name here or in the linked webpage? Was he a distance runner or was he a criminal appearing in The Running Man?

Pretty sure that’s a Lambo, dude.

The last thing LaVar Ball needs is to be around more Suns that don’t play basketball well.

[LaVar Ball emerges from the woods]

This. Every damn time.

Regulation bad! Complete freedom good!

Apparently they were running a fly-by-the-seat-of-pants amateur operation.

Absent any regulatory framework, there’s no reason why it wouldn’t be set up this way.

Hard evidence of domestic violence, you say? We’ll take him!

He’s gonna love playing in Landover.

Once you reach a certain age, almost everyone has some sort of degenerative issue in their back or neck or shoulder. Sometimes, you don’t even know it. Other times, you know it’s there. Just kind of a dull aching. But there’s not really much the doctors can do, so you just sort of live with it.

As a jaded insurance Defense attorney, this is basically the scenario I imagine all claims arise from. I know that’s not true, but guys like this make it hard not to think that way...

never use antibacterial anything unless you need to. thats how we get super bugs.