
100%. Odds of hitting a small, surprisingly fast animal with a pistol? 2%?

I mean a stick is more likely to be effective without putting humans in harms way.

Can someone please explain what is up with John Cena’s hair? I normally have terrible wigdar but between this and “Playing With Fire” - there’s no way that’s real, right?

I have a 2013 Chevy Volt and outside of the radio crapping the bed it’s been really good. I use full electric to get to work and back but when I go on a trip I use gas and get 35-40 mpg depending on weather (premium gas on mine though). It’s a very solid vehicle and a great all-rounder (except for hauling lots of


Did I see some of the big muscley pale white people from Prometheus in there (around 0:40)? Because if so, no, no, no, no.

Please be a good Aliens game

Starred for your description of Tacoma... but you forgot to mention the smell.

I think her bad judgment was marrying Ted Cruz.

He was at my college somewhere in 2000-2002 and yes, same.

Ford Mondeo: “We sort of could buy it here in coupe form as the Mercury Cougar, which is about as interesting as it got.”

Um, we definitely got it as the Ford Contour and the Ford Contour SVT was as interesting as it got (which was pretty interesting - small sedan, beefy V6, manual trans). I owned the SE, which was

Is this a thing now at GMG? That ex-reporters are now dead to the company?

Perfect take. It would be the non-hero car in a 1980s sci-fi film, a somewhat shoddily dressed Ford Ranger or something.

The sign in the screengrab is what makes it absolute gold.

($0.99 or 99 cents =/= .99 cents)

Oh, I pushed it plenty of times, thinking it was like the button on the Xbox controller. Never once intentionally pushed it though.

I assume resistance is at play between 90-100%. It is like those cell phones that can charge to “80%” capacity in 30 minutes but take 2 hours to fully charge. That space between 80-100% usually takes a lot more time and creates a lot more heat, which could be at play here.

Haven’t been to texas but your inclusion of DC Metro and Florida (not to mention Boston) is spot on.

Fifth image shows front passenger seat folded down to fit giant plant. Sixth image shows man sleeping in the Fiat but the front passenger seat is up. I hope someone got fired for that blunder!

Recently had to save GF and her family when her dad’s 2003 5-series pooped the bed on the freeway. No power steering, brakes, all lights went on, engine started knocking. Tow truck driver said that can happen on “these high performance automobiles.”

I assumed #2 when it was just hope hicks

I mean, you can buy a used EV that is fully built for $15k-ish. I can’t imagine this retrofitting ever being worth it until battery prices drop a lot.