
Every 2021 Warner Bros Film Will Stream on HBO Max for Free”

Oh, I pushed it plenty of times, thinking it was like the button on the Xbox controller. Never once intentionally pushed it though.


My work laptop (2015 Macbook Air) came up for replacement in the spring and I put in an order for a 2020 Macbook Pro (Intel). Days after my order two things happened - 1) the rumors about the ARM Macbooks started and 2) my work put a freeze on all new technology purchases. On the one hand - yay, I made it in under the

I assume resistance is at play between 90-100%. It is like those cell phones that can charge to “80%” capacity in 30 minutes but take 2 hours to fully charge. That space between 80-100% usually takes a lot more time and creates a lot more heat, which could be at play here.

Haven’t been to texas but your inclusion of DC Metro and Florida (not to mention Boston) is spot on.

Fifth image shows front passenger seat folded down to fit giant plant. Sixth image shows man sleeping in the Fiat but the front passenger seat is up. I hope someone got fired for that blunder!

Recently had to save GF and her family when her dad’s 2003 5-series pooped the bed on the freeway. No power steering, brakes, all lights went on, engine started knocking. Tow truck driver said that can happen on “these high performance automobiles.”

I assumed #2 when it was just hope hicks

I mean, you can buy a used EV that is fully built for $15k-ish. I can’t imagine this retrofitting ever being worth it until battery prices drop a lot.

Why pay when you can threaten?

... and the batteries?

I think we motivate change by secession. I don’t know how anything will change if 40% of the the country thinks Trump deserves a second term.

I’m glad at least we’ve dropped the “$600" from the headline which values your labor at zero. Add in all these parts and we’re... north of $2k?

I’m seeing 4th gen Honda Prelude in the roofline/windows

Yeah, except the department of labor isn’t going to care about that. The state architecture licensing board may care and may send a letter but that’s about as far as that will go.

All excellent points. I’d also like to point out time saved. I’ve driven across the US (west coast to east and back) at least four times. The difference between driving 65mph and 75mph over a 12 hour day is 120 miles. When you’re driving across the US you may want to do it faster (because states like Nebraska are the

Well, and Washington State where there is also a nest of nuts. But, yes, all of these Trumpers came from out of town with the sole goal of stirring shit up.

Very sad but also startling because that’s right near where the person I know with Alzheimer’s is.

The problem I was having with my Chrysler Voyager, and likely the reason why my friend Andreas was able to buy it for me for only $600"