
A supercharged, all-wheel drive, German wagon from 1992 with 170k miles on it - what could possibly go wrong?

Headline: “empty expressway”

There was a very click-baity Oregonian youtube video covering the food delivery and based on the “interviews” in that - yes, lots of meth.

As someone who lives near this club - it is skeezy, the owner is skeezy, and before this they were having the strippers deliver food (and given the people who would want strip club food delivered, one has to imagine they also wanted to violate social distancing). This is not the hero for our times.

The first Division is one of my favorite games (the setting, the snow, etc) and now has sudden relevance again, despite being a somewhat vapid Tom Clancy property.

I never realized until that top profile shot how much the F355 looks like the Lotus Esprit.

Travolta’s hair in The Fanatic is already 50% a Joe Exotic

I really, really want them to return to the snow/winter setting of the first game.

“Terry Diebold told Kotaku in December that he had turned down a $1.2 million offer on the device prior to the auction”

That original article and the whoa-is-me attitude from Diebold (“it costs so much to travel and show it and people don’t value it properly!) makes the end result so much funnier. 

Given the seller’s comment in the prior story, I really, really, really hope he takes a bath on this. He’s been hyping it for years because “I know what I got.” That isn’t a million dollar auction, my dude.

Seconded on POP: SoT remaster. The PS3 remaster was just upscaled PS2 graphics (the worst version of the game?)

Yes, I posted this and the following. Let’s not hype this scam:

Except nope, it is a scam.

Code is not working for me.

Code is not working for me.

Especially that last photo - I legit thought that’s what it was.

An incredible loss. His designs are the template for basically all modern sci-fi.

I am very curious how a person could make the jump on Dathomir. I tried a bunch of times before figuring I needed additional powers and never came close.

I always say X-rah-tee

They have to know this will just disappoint people, right? Is anyone excited about this news? And if so, do those people outweigh those pissed off by the continued silence about HL3?