And we all know that when people talk about "discouraging sex," they're talking about discouraging young women from having sex. Teenage boys, of course, will be boys, etc., ad nauseam.
And we all know that when people talk about "discouraging sex," they're talking about discouraging young women from having sex. Teenage boys, of course, will be boys, etc., ad nauseam.
Have you ever tried to discourage a teenager from doing anything? What happens the instant you try?
Ok, well how would you discourage them, exactly? Giving them accurate, scientific information about sex and sexuality as well as easy access to protection in case they need it isn't "encouraging" them, and children who have that information tend to have sex later than children who are kept ignorant. So aside from…
Okay, for someone claiming to be a book fan, the names are spelled Daenerys and Cersei, and Ros isn't even a character GRRM created. She was created for the show. She never appears in the books. Ygritte is a great character in the books, but she's very one dimensional. The show actually gave the character much more…
If this were an article about Game of Thrones it would be appropriate to mention this. It isn't. This is an article about the rampant rape, abuse, and harassment of women. The fact that your first thought upon reading this was to get upset about the author getting a fictional character's name wrong is pretty screwed…
I got his short mothers problem solved. I am 5'1" and I have kids.
Like an invasive species, Slutticus slut has dwindled the Slavius Wife species down to near nothing. By giving men milk instead of being a bought cow, Sluts spread a disease that infects Wives in their vulnerable developmental stage. As a result, Wives become Sluts who free range and think all independent like.
Targeting sex workers is very problematic. I don't know if you saw either of these, but you may be interested: How Virginia Christian Activists Are Legalizing Stealing From Sex Workers and Project Rose Is Arresting Sex Workers In Arizona To Save Their Souls. This is horrifying stuff.
It's in incredibly poor taste that this graphic put a swastika right over the Star of David. There are other ways of making the same point (which I don't agree with anyway) without that disrespectful conflation.
Yes to this! The problem is not videos of people having sex with each other, the problem is men pushing women around, cumming on the woman's face and never going down on her, being the DEFAULT porn video. That's the issue. No one talks about anything they're doing in these videos. Men guide the experience and women do…
It's always strange to me that a woman can say "porn has affected me negatively" and someone else will tell her "no it hasn't" or "if it has, that's your own fault."
I don't know about this article man. I know Jezebel is a woman-oriented site and Doug Barry is a terrible author, so I didn't really expect this concept to get a lot of respect here, but to me it feels like the whole circumcision debate all over again. Everybody's got to voice their own personal opinion of the matter…
I get that there's always been porn, but surely the sheer variety and amount that people get to see before they actually start seeing real-life naked people has to be changing something. Has no one studied this? I'm glad you agree with me. Sometimes I feel like a bad sex-positive feminist for thinking this.
Absolutely. I don't think it can be disputed. Everyone's experience is different, but some of the things that have been said to or expected of me are outrageously unrealistic and quite obviously inspired by porn. I HATE the effect it's had on me, and I don't even watch it.
But does no one think that easy-access porn CAN be detrimental to romantic relationships on a macro level? I know it's considered "concern-trolling" but does no one besides me feel like they are held to a different standard because of what people are accustomed to seeing in porn?
Bitch please. If you haven't run 20 miles, backwards, in the snow, uphill both ways, with a broken ankle, then you aren't a TRUE RUNNER.
Fast walk pace? Uh... you are veering into the very adolescent devils advocate I know everything and will defend my statement even if it is incorrect territory. 4 hours is very good for a marathon especially a first timer. It's not a fast walk pace and it is an indication of better than average ability. Also,…
How are you not judging us? Really? You just said, "And I stand by the claim that any serious runner is not wearing fancy VS panties during a race." So anybody who decides to wear fancy panties during a race is not a serious runner by this statement. That's judgy and insulting, don't pretend it's not.
Poor guy. I wonder how badly this picture haunts his life. : /