
Thank you.

This was the first movie I saw him in and I was sold. He owned that role, and his appearance didn't at all register for me until there was a panned shot where he stood next to a taller person - which I feel speaks well of his talent. By far one of my favorite actors, ever.

Which is why I try to promote porn that doesn't pander to the heterosexual (usually white) male consumer. That isn't to say that NOBODY BUT heterosexual white men are capable of enjoying that kind of porn (whatever does it for you), but I think it is so overwhelmingly represented in the mainstream that people begin to

Thank you.

This. When I lost one of my closest friends to a horrible death, I sat in a chair for nearly 24 hours processing it, no emotion, then went to the gym, watched terrible television and was generally manic. I feared dwelling on it, because dwelling on it turns me into a wreck and I don't enjoy being a wreck, nor am I

Maybe it's my perception, but didn't Ron act like a bit of an ass towards her fairly consistently? I thought it would have had more to do with that. But hey, readers read different books depending on their experiences and what they're looking for.

Aww... just... aww. ;_; <3


Sadly, I've heard this argument from women. I'm not saying that to go "gotcha", I'm pointing it out because women are being indoctrinated into this. At least where I am. Most of them have right-wing, controlling male partners, husbands or fathers. It is sick.

"Now when he texts me, I say: "You're talking to me right now. Does this mean we're dating?" just to annoy him and point out the ridiculousness of this."

May I use this if I'm ever in the same situation?


I'm always wary of accepting offers to "hang out" these days because I'm not sure what they're really looking for. Too often they've been wanting the occasion to go in an unanticipated direction or, after having a totally non-romatic-doing-fun-things day, will proclaim that we are "dating" thereafter.

Oh God, this happened to me years ago when I was 18. The guy in question then attempted to sabotage all of my friendships as punishment for "toying with him". He never once said anything about wanting to have a relationship, never once made any obvious attempt at gauging my interest and we had not been remotely

I wouldn't say that everyone uses the word "hang out" to make it clear it's not a date. I've been asked to "hang out" with certain individuals, under the impression that it was just for fun, only to have them expect a lot more than I did (one or two have brought me flowers and chocolate, which is sweet, but totally

The problem is obvious, though? Outing her as a person that faked their credentials so that they could sell a product that relied on those credentials is one thing. There's no justification for that. But why does her gender matter at all? What relevance does it have?

So much this.

Slightly OT rant:


Yeah, I'm confused too. Makes perfect sense for me. Puppies/dogs would do anything to please their master, including killing.

I had heaps of cavities as a small child (baby teeth, thank the lord), and yet I had the same dental routine and diet as my brother who had none. I haven't had any in my adult life, despite my dental care being... poor, to say the least. I think some people might be more prone to them than others, but I'm not dentist.

Also, for some real ignorance, read the comments section on this Australian news article.