
I read every word. Pardon me if I misunderstood something.

Black face WAS a thing here. We're just a smaller country and it didn't receive as much attention. That aside, the people we targeted it at (the Aboriginals) represent less than 2.5% of our population (thanks to our white ancestors murdering them, mostly) and most were so impoverished that they didn't have the

We do have Neo-Nazis. They used to get away with murder, but they've gone underground. They still have concerts, though.

Once again, no point in waving fingers at Americans for their treatment of the Africans and how "hypocritical they are".

Don't mind us. We Australians like to consider ourselves the "best country EVER" and also think that EVERYONE IN THE WHOLE ENTIRE WORLD wants to live here and envies us and the tub of yogurt that amounts to our "culture". That is, white Australian culture, because anyone else (even those people from China, for

*slow clap*

I don't mean to trivialize the horrible acts of white Americans against African Americans, but our history is APPALLING.

But... but... 'Straya, mate.

I'm not about to deny we're racist, see my other comments, but where did you get the Native American Wedding thing? I've never heard of it, and I've lived here all my life. Is it a specific state or was this before I was born or something?

Ah, dude/dudette?

TW: racially motivated violence/genocide.

We Aussies need to stop denying that we are racist as hell. The conclusions of "Dumb, Drunk and Racist" may have said otherwise (though I find it hilariously ironic that we neglected to consider any cultural reasons as to why a group of people from India who were flown here and

Wait, Forney?

... no relation to Matt Forney?

Nah, has to be coincidence.

I'm not sure why, but I can never define a physique that I'm attracted to by default. I mean, I can appreciate a physique for various reasons but it has no bearing on any desire I feel for that person. Am I weird?

I want to assume/hope you're trolling at this point, so maybe I shouldn't put in the effort. But then again, I just can' help myself.

"Listen, dog police - feel free to STFU. Enough already."

Up until this point, nothing negative had been said about you or anyone in this thread. People had simply pointed out that

If I found out my housemate was feeding my dog onions, I'd kick them out the same day. People have provided information explaining why it's toxic above, but did you know that onion toxicity is a thing that can build up over a few days? The first three days the dog might be fine, even loving it, and on the fourth day

I'm not sure giving people cake and hugging them are the best examples of respect. But Sesame Street probably shouldn't be your first reference.

Sorry, Steubenville.

That is to say, sorry you're mad, but you could have prevented this reputation.

My hometown suffered the year one of our few (possibly only) openly gay men was walking home late at night from a convenience store, and was jumped by four boys who beat him to the brink of death. Justice was never

Also, if you darken your skin/change your features to those of a specific ethnic group with the intent of demonstrating the everyday prejudice people from those ethnic groups encounter (like the way people put on "fatsuits" to see the difference in the way overweight people are treated), since the only thing that has

Ignorant white person question:

My mother has olive skin, I'm pale as milk. She got all the Turkish and I got all the Cornish/English/German. When I was young, I put on her foundation to see what I'd look like with skin like hers. Is that still being offensive?

What people who are saying "this is totally in context, STFU" are (astoundingly) missing is the fact that D.C comics WILL NOT allow a character in a committed lesbian relationship to get hitched, because it apparently isn't appropriate - but they WILL allow people to submit thousands of images of another female