
There are games that let you play multiplayer over 3G.

Only the EU version.

It has ad-hoc and online multiplayer.

Now playing

Here you are, since I dunno when/if Kotaku'll get around to an article on this.

Learning to play VG music was pretty much my biggest motivation for learning.

Now playing

Agree. This is a video of me playing it. I played it a lot slower.

People are excited about the sacrificing mechanics. Sacrificing rocks/trees/etc for different kinds of spells and sacrificing body parts for the powerful spells. In multiplayer you can even sacrifice your teammates when they die for a powerful spell.

The Vita's actually a lot harder to take apart/put together than the PSP. The back touch pad is glued in and the screen is actually fused to the faceplate.

On the PS blog they have actually said that P4A voice changes should not be taken as confirmation that the voices will be changed in P4G.

Site has been updated. Only shows PlayStation stuff now. Remember guys, Atlus USA is just a publisher. If there were PS3/360 versions coming they'd be announced in Japan first.

The MNR developers are working on this too.

I think they're going off the fact that Arena had to change those voices. Anyway, I really don't want any of the voices to change. I eventually got used to and liked everyone's voice actor in the game. To me, none of them stayed bad throughout the game like Fuuka's did in P3.

Patching imported games works fine. To get DLC you'd need an account with the same region as the game, but I kinda doubt P4G will have any DLC anyway.

Where are people getting the news about the voice actors?

The one in arena sounds like a prinny. I kept expecting him to say "Dood!"

Downloadable PS1 games are called PS1 classics.

The first one. They should be in your downloads list, or you can just go to them and download them.

Oh my god, I'm like 90% sure that's the Game Crazy I used to go to. Was this filmed in Chicago? — Edit: Welp, I found someone else on the internet who said it was.

That's the date for the announcement of more details.

People aren't cosplaying for you though, they're doing it to have fun. People can cosplay whoever they want, cosplay isn't always about being 100% accurate. Being 100% accurate to the character isn't even possible.