
Cosplaying is for fun, people do it to dress up as characters they like, it doesn't matter if the character is male or female.

This isn't exclusive content to the Vita. The Vita version is getting more modes.

It also supports multiplayer over 3G.

Oh yeah, it's definitely a step back. I was just saying that there is a way to use different accounts on one memory stick if you want to.

You can. Just restore the Vita without formatting the memory stick and use your other account. Maybe back up your memory stick first just in case.

When I would use the computers in the computer lab at school I would use my left hand a lot without noticing. It wasn't until my computer teacher asked me if I wanted to switch which side of the computer the mouse was on that I realized it.

I use my mouse in both hands (pretty much whichever's closest), but I have my right and left clicks reversed. I used it the normal way for years and then I switched them and it felt more natural. Using non-reversed clicks on a mouse feels really weird to me now.

Ah, homestuck day.

Oh, I agree with you. It's also that a lot of people see a used game cheaper than new and just buy it without caring where the money goes.

The problem is that (mostly) all new 360 and PS3 games are $60, regardless of the quality of the game. A lot of people aren't willing to spend that much for each new game that comes out.

Removed from marketplace/download lists. If it's already downloaded on your system you can still play it.

Clap Hanz is technically "2nd party", but.. yeah.

I will be amazed and saddened if someone bothers to argue with someone who calls anyone who dares to "whiteknight" (aka disagreeing with you) a fanboy.

"Basically, can it be possible for Sony to make independent development available to programmers at a low cost?"

I liked Class of Heroes. It was basically PSP's Etrian Odyssey.

Tales of Hearts? Horrible? Have you PLAYED it?

Boo. This is my GOTY.

There's like 45 characters, not 70+.

He said a bunch of times during the review that he had a bad fever.

Really only if you buy the CPP. You can map movement to the right analog.