
It's $8

I just played the demo and it's.. very disappointing. It just has so many problems and feels dumbed down a lot compared to the first game.

You can't because literally every Tower Defense game stops you from completely blocking the enemy's path to your core

Finally, a review where someone actually took their time and explored the menus a bit while playing the game before reviewing it and got the real experience. Good job, Kotaku.

It was Arkham City and the spoilers were about Joker.

This so much.

"Creator of Assassin's Creed Patrice Desilets, who left Ubisoft in 2011 to join THQ"

I really do see your point that it isn't 100% clear at face value, but again, "gender dysphoria" as a term has been around for a long time and has a pretty clear definition for anyone that wanted to look it up/into it.

The thing about your example with the woman hitting the glass ceiling is that in that case her.. dysphoria is caused by the glass ceiling and not directly by feeling extreme discontent with the fact that she wasn't born a man.

Uhh, anyone can have GD. Transgender people can be gay or straight, I'm not sure where you're going with that. I guess the confusion comes when you take "gender dysphoria" at face value without really looking into what it means.

It has actually been changed from GID to gender dysphoria (because a lot of people had a problem with being transgender being seen as a disorder), and gender dysphoria as a term has been around for quite a while before that.

The connections I saw were the looking at magazines and wishing you could be that person, not liking the name given to you (because it doesn't fit who you are), looking at yourself in the mirror and not really seeing you.. they're everywhere in this really.

The game is supposed to highlight how many of the little things that can happen during the day can negatively affect people with gender dysphoria.

I made it to the 5th episode and was really enjoying it a lot. I went back to play the next day and my save had been replaced with a save from episode 2. Completely killed my motivation to play and I haven't touched it since.

What? The game has plenty of replay value. In fact, it actively encourages you to with you getting new items at the end of the game and keeping your upgrades/skills throughout playthroughs.

There's no point in announcing a price cut in NA now without games to go along with it like there are in Japan.

What, Catherine sold over 500k, which is really good for Atlus. They even had a cake to celebrate it.

Yes. As long as you're the first person to get the copy from the disc.

Unit 13 is a TPS.