
"Given that the promise of delivering a console-quality first-person shooter on the PlayStation Vita has been broken by every studio that's released one so far"

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There are actually cool things you can do in Gravity Rush after you level up your skills and know what you're doing.

Soul Sacrifice.

You too?

I had it for 5/6 years but I recently just let my Gold membership expire without renewing.

Xbox live gold is a terrible service. It does nothing but take things away that everyone else gives for free and puts them under the disguise of "value".

Why is this just a blip with no info on the preorder stuff

Wait what? They still have PS2 and Gamecube games.

Wait what? They still have PS2 and Gamecube games.

Wait what? They still have PS2 and Gamecube games.

Vita has had bundles for a while now that have a game and a 4GB memory card included. They were $200 during black friday.

It wasn't cancelled, it never even started. They just put it on the backburner until they finish Infinite. Stop making stuff up.

It's up now. Comes with Sony Smash Bros and 3 months of PS+ too.

According to Polygon, the AC3 Liberation Vita bundle will be up on Amazon tomorrow for $179.99 at 12 PM PST.

"It" and "trap", really? You assume something about her and then you dehumanize her.

This kinda makes me want to play Nuclear Dawn, though the community is probably completely dead in that by now. It's such a good game, it's too bad more people don't play it.

These aren't microtransactions. The pro refers to pro designs (different front and back).


I probably got mine from the same place as you, except it was $250 by the time I bought it. Still a great deal though.

That comes out next week. It comes with a 4GB memory card too.