
There are a bunch of robots in OP. One of the main characters is a cyborg.

Now playing

This is Ys Seven on PSP. It's definitely a step up from this.

Here you go.

"Metal Gear creator Hideo Kojima is about to turn fifty."

That's not always the case. There are plenty of sponsored youtube channels that you wouldn't be able to tell are sponsored.

These numbers are for just this iPad. The others have gone far past 3 million already.

It's more likely that he has sponsors who pay for most of this.

[] These are the options you're talking about. Using the D-Pad (Which would be awful since it's right under the circle pad) or ABXY (Which he mentioned) for aiming isn't accurate. Which leaves us with the touch screen.

It's not just Jim, it's literally every single reviewer.

If you read the review he does mention other control schemes.

You have 2800+ games and can't sell them for 10k? The games on this page aren't his whole collection, the rest are in the ebay link.

Did you click the ebay link? All those games are easily worth over $2,000.

Wow.. Thanks so much!

More like lead to a bunch of people angry at him because they just wasted money.

"It was a dangerous move on their side, I could have been bluffing the entire time."

I'm interested. What is this law?

Oh.. My mistake on the pronouns! You can change your name from your profile, you don't have to make a new account.

Calling someone who is clearly presenting as female "girl-boy" is pretty offensive imo. Who cares if she's a fictional character. Would it be okay to use racist terms for a black character in a game because they're not real? Maybe they like to be called racist terms?

That's not true. Poison was always transgender from the beginning, even in Japan. That video explains it.