
No problem! And I meant the first one.

The video basically says that Poison was always trans, even in Japan, and whether she is "pre-op" or "post-op" depends on whether she's in Japan or America respectively.

I watched that video when it was posted and it doesn't even disprove his point. What he said still stands.

Yeah, I felt the exact same way about that.

Tales of Graces F comes out on March 13, I'd get that.

PSP sold 600,000 its first week.

No problem! Lost Odyssey has a turn based battle system while Tales of Vesperia's system puts you in the action.

Tales of Vesperia and Lost Odyssey are the best JRPGs for the 360.

Yeah, Amazon had everything at first, but a lot are out of stock now.

Yeah, I figured after I wrote that. It's hard to notice joking/sarcasm over the internet.

Of all the things to complain about, you complain about this? He didn't say they needed games for lefties, he said that the game is harder to play because there isn't a comfortable option for left handed people to play the game. This video is a nice heads up for lefties.

Catherine set a record for Atlus sales and got good reviews.

I know you can do other things while game patches download, they just go into the download manager. I'm not sure if Vita patches work the same way or not though.

I'd say Blazblue but it's REALLY hard to find in stores. Even Amazon is out of stock now (they're out of stock on UMVC3 too, but it's easier to find elsewhere.)

The first edition bundle for the vita came out on the 15th.

Just bought this, Hot Shots Golf, and Blazblue CS Extend with amazon's B2G1 free vita game deal. Can't wait!

Yeah, it was about not trying all of her options first and going straight for surgery.

..Why would you need a friends list if you're playing via LAN?

Steam has an offline mode.

Kotaku seems to have messed up the format of my message but whatever.. My main point was really that she didn't resent it because she wanted to be a man, as some commenters were saying. After reading that article I see it was more about not trying all of her options instead of going straight for surgery.