
It wasn't a guess, it was from reading this article and inferring from:

Okay I feel I have to point this out here. She didn't resent her sex change because she suddenly felt like a man. She resented it because she felt it limited what she could do in her job, and later thought that she could've just been more feminine in other ways without an operation.

I think the resentment came from the fact that she had less.. opportunities and couldn't reach her full potential in her job after the sex change.

"she would never maintain as high a profile as she had enjoyed while a male, in part because she withdrew from frontline development."

There's usually a lot of ignorance in the comments whenever an article about a transgender person is written on Kotaku. Despite that, I'm still really glad these articles exist.

The price he expected went from 1 million to 13, and then to 40 million. Wouldn't you be hesitant too?

I look forward to trying to beat your scores.

This and Hot Shots Golf are going to be my launch games. They'll last me for a while.

Sony developed/published DC Universe Online, so I doubt they'd have to pay for patches.

This game lets you play online with WipEout HD players on PS3.

They're like TF2 items. They're there to buy if you want to, but all of them can be earned ingame.

Pixeljunk Monsters Deluxe works, it just isn't on this list. They missed some games.

There are people saying that VC2 works, dunno about MGS:PW. That list isn't finished yet, so they probably just weren't added.

They're both downloadable so they should be available and work on the Vita.

Lumines, it'll be all I need for a while.

The Vita uses a new content manager.

Yep. The sequel's coming out for the 3DS and Vita.

2.7GB. Here's a helpful list:

It's actually really good. I couldn't connect to any matches during the PC beta but I played a lot during the 360 one.

You could in SC4, so most likely yeah.