
Me too. Best part of Halo 2 was grabbing a few friends and just doing glitches that you heard about.

Rayman Origins, not EA's service.

I was ready to call BS on "reminiscent of the possibilities unleashed by Little Big Planet" until I watched the video.

You can play steam games offline, and you can turn auto-updating off on games.

There are 44 tracks. 10 were made by Q Entertainment, these are just the licensed ones.

If you have bad internet then you should just buy the physical copy then. Problem solved.

Why would you buy another one when you can just take a game off a memory card and make space?

Reminds me of some of the sections in Lost in Shadow.

If this happens I will definitely not be getting one. Rumors like this were around for the PS3 before it came out too.

For some reason anything that looks anime-ish is automatically bad.

It's actually a pretty decent game, just not as good as Symphonia.


I dunno why I was hoping for online multiplayer, but it would've sold me on this. Come ON Nintendo...

I like Eternal Sonata. It was one of the better JRPGs I've played over the years. I loved how the battle system got more open/better as the game progressed.

Without the screen transitions and every area being segmented, the DM interior would be in pretty much the same place in OoT.

4th picture.

"There are some big oddities (like the interior of Death Mountain being right next to Hyrule Castle)"

I started teaching myself how to play a few years ago just to play video game songs. The best way to learn is to set goals, and to try to play things that are a bit ahead of your skill level. Just take it slow and you'll eventually learn it and get better.

The Vita will be able to use Skype.