
What are, "Things you would never say in an NFL locker room."

The best thing I could read about Google Glass is that it would go away so I could stop hearing about this turd of a gadget.

I'm going to put this here for everyone with dissenting opinions. I don't think this is really how you should be judging movies, but I do understand (and have, in parts) the tendency. Pacific Rim has all the tools to be an all time classic. I really think that. And the instinct is to judge it harshly because it isn't.

It's hilarious to me that some critics are complaining about the characters. How many here love Godzilla movies? Show of hands. Right, they're awesome! Why do we love them? For the characters right? Nooooo!!! We love GIANT monsters and destruction!!! Pacific Rim is celebration of those movies.

I'm so glad that none of the kaiju have that stupid mouth that opens sideways. Ever since Predator almost every damn monster in movies and video games has that same exact mouth. It was cool at first, but after the first thousand rip-offs it gets tiring.

this movie looks amazing, and I relish in all the anti-pacific rim comments simply because it's hip to hate on something that is hyped up and popular. those people are stupid, and live sad lives.


I found your inner-child's suicide note. He says you drove him to it.

i'm trying so hard to temper expectations with this movie. but then i see clips like these and i can't control my excitement.

This movie has giant robots fighting giant monsters.

No-one bros like Gaston.

Now that the rift also does 1080p... what downsides are truly left?

There is only one proper gif for this announcement.

Wow! That's the best stop motion action I've ever seen. The talent and patience of these guys is amazing.

Wow! I've never seen anything that exciting in stop motion before. Very talented and patient group.

That... was fucking great, and thank you for posting it. Seriously outstanding.