
Don't you find it incredible that some major company hasn't swooped in and invested a gajillion dollars into Oculus? If I had any money at all...I'd be throwing it at 'em. I don't think the world wide gaming community has ever been as excited about one singular piece of hardware in YEARS.

i love you Prismo.

Guillermo has my respect and admiration. The guy really went all out for this one. It'll be a real shame if the American box office doesn't respond in kind. I've almost taken it upon myself to get people to go out and watch this epic epicness. I think as fellow sci-fi directors James Cameron and Ridley Scott

I loved it. When you think of great Sci Fi movies, or great summer tentpole movies, or just good ol' American action adventure movies, this one really had it all. The scale of it really set it apart from virtually every movie of those genres.

Man I tell ya, thanks for posting this T.E.M.

Buy for price, you buy twice.


Did you watch her apology?? This woman is CLUELESS.

I didn't have them growing up either, but my 8yr old loves the crap out of them so I've been on board for the last couple of years...and every time I'm made to watch a LEGO show/video whatnot I end up liking it. This movie seems to be in the same vain as the others, very cheeky. We'll both be there in the theater.

you got it. perfect response.

the question is...why do you wear the shirt? Because you love Star Wars or because you know other people will love the shirt because it's vintage or idiosyncratic, etc? If you have an idea of what cool is then you have to play under the rules of's just the stupid culture we live in. Almost no way around

Here's a pretty funny take on it:

I kind of agree. I'm just gonna quietly fantasize her correcting America's problems one badass decision at a time. Bill doesn't have to know.

i am a happy owner of the Hue, got it for Christmas and I have to say I freakin' love it. The connection problem doesn't happen all the time, about 40-50% of the time but usually just when I'm in my bedroom which is far from our wireless router. All in all, if you wanna take your pad to the next level, go big and

This is true.

I am a sucker for earnestness, good, sweet, and beautiful earnestness. I hope it's not too late Laura Beck, but I would like to watch the show now.

Amen Brother Ben, shot a rooster, killed a hen.