I would watch it if Susan Sarandon wasn’t in it. She and her thirsty daughter need to go away and never come back.
I would watch it if Susan Sarandon wasn’t in it. She and her thirsty daughter need to go away and never come back.
Looks great. Too bad I’m never seeing it. I’m not giving a penny to Susan Sarandon as long as she lives.
Fuuccckkkkkkkkk Susan Sarandon.
I seriously doubt even Trump and his minions could find someone who would be worse for education than Betsy DeVos
Yeah—that’s how I read it.
The funny thing is, she wasn’t being rude or snarky at all. She was just politely and matter-of-factly informing us that our information, as far as she knew, was irrelevant to her.
Ok but back to the important part - how many abortions did you sell her?
Calling Donald Trump’s education secretary pick Betsy DeVos an “ideologue” who “knows next to nothing about…
I used to volunteer a lot for Planned Parenthood in Los Angeles, and much of that was “community outreach” — going to communities that had a clinic and passing out information about the services it offered. The very first time I did one of those, I had what remains the most rewarding and simultaneously most…
no one in their right mind would ever fuck them?
I’m so happy AB is doing better now. I hate how much the public/press made fun of her when she was going through some pretty severe shit. I hope Mischa gets the help she needs and is considering a career change. Also, she’s an awful actress.
We’ll soon have a N. Korean-ish version of the internet anyway. All the sites will be fraudulent except Supreme Idiot’s Twitter feed.
It’s Friday, and I’m all out of constructive criticism, but maybe Mischa should take a cue from Amanda Bynes and go for a career change. Just because you were an actress as a child/young adult, doesn’t mean you have to continue being an actress.
IT nerd here. Avoid Norton like the plague.
I have a somewhat irrational dislike for Lea Michele...
Humor is the only thing that will get us through.
Someday soon he’s going to walk by a mirror and crack his skull trying to attack his own reflection...
This man is bound to crack soon, right? He can only focus on perceived slights. His all-consuming need for revenge is bound to backfire soon enough. (Or so I have to tell myself in order to keep calm and carry on.)
On the first morning as President of the United States of America, Donald J. Trump woke up, cracked the knuckles of…
It’s a cowardly action. When other mayors are standing up against President Trump’s unlawful orders and calling them out as rightful unconstitutional and illegal, Mayor Gimenez has decided to cave in and allow the practice of detaining immigrants at the “request” of Immigration and Customs Enforcement. This practice…