
it has only made it easier to be overlooked for promotions and compensation.

I’m not sure you’re right. Section 31, as we learn about them in DS9, are actually part of the Federation Charter. That’s what their name comes from. So they are not a militia, they are akin to the CIA or NSA.

If the purpose of the Ring system is protection for the home owner, why does Amazon/Ring need to have access to the videos at all? Shouldn’t they install a hard drive either in the device itself, or connected to it in the house, that stores the videos on site? 

Ok, hear me out: “Jurassic Planet” It takes place in the year 2100. Dinosaurs have completely taken over the world, and there is only a tiny island of humans left...Isla Nublar perhaps, and they have to go explore the world for some macguffin.

I started out trying to poke holes in this concept; how many satellites could a satellite refuel if it has to maneuver around itself, wouldn’t designing satellites with interchangeable boosters that can be robotically replaced work better, etc. But for every counterexample I could come up with, I had to admit the refue

Tuvix is a very Trekian version of the Trolley problem. Do you take an action that results in one person’s death in order to save some higher number of others? If you were in no way involved in putting the higher number of people at risk, some might argue that not taking an action absolves you of any responsibility.

I can think of a couple possibilities. Maybe it was a trinary system and two neutron stars (or even one neutron star and a standard star) merged, making a heavier than normal neutron star.

I must live in some wonderland. I love self-checkout when I have just a handful of stuff. When I have a full cart, I let the checker handle it. Almost all of the places around me have both options, are fully staffed at the regular registers, and have ample self-checkouts operating. They also tend to have someone

Aren’t there cosmic rays and things flying through the cosmos? Couldn’t these interstellar winds cause auroras just as easily as solar winds do in our solar system?

“It must have been a distinct advantage for the Yamnaya people to carry the MS risk genes, even after arriving in Europe, despite the fact that these genes undeniably increased their risk of developing MS.”

If that is the case, they should have gone with Mando & Baby. I know they want to get people away from the Baby Yoda thing, but lean a little into the zeitgeist and get closer to your inspiration at the same time.

For the third puzzle. It seems like moving the black bishop anywhere along its two paths wouldn’t result in a check or a mate.

The next best “Trek” movie is, actually, Insurrection. It is an episode of TNG expanded to 2 hours. And as such, I really don’t understand the dislike of it among fans. I think it’s the second best TNG movie behind First Contact.

With its Always-On-Display feature, you can let artwork or images play when it’s not in use

Light will be the fuel. These probes will be tiny, equipped with light sails, and propelled by a laser or lasers here at Earth. Due to their small mass, the lasers could speed them up very quickly, then they just coast along.

From the link:

Or maybe on another ship that mysteriously gets flung very far away and has to get home.

Indeed. If there was a more global league, they would have to name their championship something more than “World Series” in order to differentiate itself as well as indicate its larger scope.

Probably due to the use of tactical nukes, rather than strategic nukes.

“Mean Tweets” and Cheap Gas are mutually exclusive. In fact, gas is cheaper now than it has been in a long time.