
Both Requiem and Encore are Type 1a supernovae, or “standard candles” with known absolute magnitudes, allowing astronomers to know their distance.

I was perfectly fine with a built-in info-tainment system. Especially if it actually shows car information, not just phone information.

Texas and California are on the same side? That doesn’t seem like a logical team-up

It doesn’t need to stay intact. Obviously, the more intact it is, the easier it is to recover, but even broken across an area, they just need to go pick it up. It’s not organic samples that will be killed, it’s metal.

There are a lot of solutions about telling people how much to adjust their salaries in order to obfuscate the number, but making sure the total amount of obfuscation sums to zero.

It was fine as a teaser, but I have to say, the shots of people riding on dragons at the end looked very bad. I was trying to figure out what it was that threw me off about it, and I settled on the actor’s hair. If they’re riding on a flying creature, their hair should be flapping like mad, and yet their hair is

I would think this type of mission would be a higher priority. Not only does it have the potential to make the biggest discovery of humanity, it is something that can be used in multiple places, meaning the cost of development can be spread out over a half dozen or more probes.

It has long been my assumption that human consciousness was an emergent property of the complexity of our brain/nervous system. As we work on these AI models, I wonder if, at some point, there will be a similar emergent phenomenon, where the capabilities will just suddenly explode.

I’ve seen this movie, the asteroid will move in front of it, and when the asteroid moves away again, Betegeuse will be gone, leaving us to wonder if the CIA will ever be able to find it and ask it about those dead Russians.

I’m sure you can, but for me, the idea of telling a doctor what I want, when they are the ones I go to tell me what I need, is absurd. I’m all for a conversation along the lines of “Here are your options, A has this benefit, but this downside, B has these, C has these...” But even then, I want the doctor to give me a

Same. I really enjoyed it, but I was never under the assumption there was going to be more. It would have been nice, but it wasn’t necessary.

Launches work right off the bat if you spend billions of dollars and take a decade to actually launch something. I’m not saying one way is better than the other, but one way is definitely cheaper and faster.

An ant reflecting off another ant is identical to an ant passing through another ant (in terms of time), and if the ants can pass through each other then it’s simple to see that the longest it could take is the time to take for one ant to get from one side to the other.

Over 40 years later and we can still quote famous jokes from ‘Ghostbusters,’ Can anyone remember any single line of dialogue from ‘Afterlife?’

“Free” on AMC? Only if you, ya know, pay for AMC...

The Magician’s Nephew and Skyward Sword are the first in their respective series.

I actually wrote a short story using this premise:

A disgraced cadet ,is able to build his own ship from scratch ,one that can hang with ever ship in the quadrant ?

It’s a phone that does less than my phone. Sure, maybe something that breaks our screen addiction would be good, but frankly, I’m going to want a screen more often than not. As stated in the article, if I want a phone without a screen, those still exist, though they are harder to find. The AI aspect does nothing for

Ineed. I’m kind of surprised they didn’t do a larger group, say 100 embryos, preserving 20 every 20% of the gestational period to look at how micro gravity affects all different parts of development, through to birth.