
There are a few things at play in those polls.

“Weird, it just cut out...”

The universe’s current, calculated age is 13.8 billion years...

I really liked that every cave was essentially the same “set” with a few minor differences.

This, right here, is the problem with Hollywood. Star Wars is a good movie. Let it be.

I think you mean CE, not BCE. CE stands for Common Era, and is analogous with AD. BCE stands for Before the Common Era, and corresponds with BC.

“We are finding this human-made material in what we consider a pristine area of the atmosphere,”

This is fascinating...but I can’t help but wonder why her parents didn’t try again. It’s not like suicide, where the person survives and realizes they didn’t really want to die. This was likely a situation where it was life or death for the rest of the family. They tried once, it didn’t work, and then decided they

“It threatens the livelihoods of the individuals who work in these fields.”

On the one hand, those numbers are drops in the bucket compared to the US yearly budget, let alone over 13 years. On the other hand, what is making it so expensive? Is it the contracts they sign with the corporations actually building the rockets? Is it that they over-engineer on safety? I’m not a musk-stan, but I do

I really hope the UAW sticks to their guns on the 4 day work week. I saw that was one of thier demands at the beginning, but have not been paying enough attention to know if that is still something they are fighting for.

The FTC is seeking comments from the public on the new proposal.

I don’t think it matters what term is used; “Junk fees”, Admin Fees”, or whatever. The intention is that any and all fees to be paid will be listed at the beginning of the transaction, rather than at the end. So your extra $3.00 would be listed up front.

As the cost to get to space comes down, it will eventually (and probably sooner than many people think) become cheaper to mine some of these items on asteroids. Then, it may even be cheaper to process and manufacture the magnets in space, then bring the final product down to Earth. Not only will this increase the

Space is actually a pretty horrible cooling system. There are three ways for heat to transfer; conductive, convective, radiative. The first three are the best, but require matter to be in contact with the thing to be cooled. Radiative is based on light/radiation. It’s the only real option in space, but is also the

I love the first movie, I try to watch it every Christmas. The second and third were pretty forgettable. The first season of the series was actually decent, though, and I’m looking forward to season 2.

The likely outcome would be that these platforms would simply pick up their toys and leave any state that enacts one of these bills.

Do these services want people subscribing for a month, then dropping to subscribe to another service for a month? Because that’s what this situation is going to result in. Sure, maybe when a hot series drops and people sign up, it looks good, but when they leave again, it looks bad.

Yeah, my exact question. Has this been tested through the entire...process? Does it need to be applied and then wait some period of time for it to be absorbed into the skin before engaging with a partner?

To be honest. I entirely missed that she was, in fact, diagnosed with it. She was talking to Mariner about the fact that she was the cause of the emotional turmoil, and then she mentioned that there are conditions that can cause this to happen, like Bendii Syndrome, and pulls up something that says Bendii Syndrome on