Has Bob Iger not seen Westworld?
Has Bob Iger not seen Westworld?
This incident makes sense, Vasquez was in the car precisely to prevent errors like these. That was her job, and she was negligent in those duties and someone died.
It’s probably a gradual thing. The first dozen times you drive, you’re hyper aware, but the more miles you go without an incident, the more likely you are to think “I can take a quick look at my e-mail” while going down a straight road with little traffic, and that turns into more and more time not paying attention.
I just want Android Auto to be better integrated with the car. If I’m listening to the radio, or SXM, I want it to show the RDS info like it would for Spotify or YouTube Music. It is a real hassle to have to switch from AA to the regular car radio OS to see the song, or change the station.
Yeah, I was reading this, and I thought, mine shows it across the bottom, or am I thinking of an earlier mode. I know it definitely did before they added the ability to show multiple windows.
I just don’t see how this works. Is Twitter (I mean X?) going to get fined if someone posts something bad? If so, I can see people lining up to post things to get “X” fined. Leading to companies just stopping from allowing people to post anything. That would kill social media, which isn’t necessarily a bad thing, but…
His look was absolutely inspired by Davy Jones. Making him Russian may have been due to something Roddenberry read, or heard, or dreamed, or whatever.
You are in charge of your ship and one other plus a refinery and that makes you a fleet Captain ??
He’s not the first officer yet. He said that his promotion will be in a couple of months after he trains his replacement.
From what I’ve read and heard from people of a more skeptical bent, these recent videos of UFOs are coming on the heels of new and upgraded IR cameras and sensors on the planes. Historically, when these cameras and sensors first get upgraded, there are new artifacts, things look weird to people who are used to seeing…
You don’t have to do any homework, you just have to watch the movies. Complaining that you won’t understand a movie in the middle of a series without having seen the movies before it is kind of a silly take. But what’s even sillier is that you don’t actually have to have seen the previous movies. My daughter is about…
In 10 billion years, the expansion of the universe would have added approximately 2.5 million light years of distance. At those scales, that’s pretty negligible, so saying we were 10 billion light years apart when the light was emitted is still accurate.
It was the 60s, you could literally walk up to the ticket counter, pay cash for a ticket, and not have to show any ID whatsoever.
I believe the idea is that they would use the kite when the wind is blowing the right way, and not when it isn’t. So it wouldn’t be feasible on short trips, or closer to shore where more maneuverability is needed, but crossing oceans, following the trade winds, it would be useful.
Is it a device in a pocket, or is it a pin that is, you know, pinned to the shirt? And if it is both; a pin to interact with, and a bigger processing pack, surely they can connect wirelessly, meaning the pack could go in any pocket/purse/backpack/fannypack/etc.
I see a lot of people upset with the ruling, and while I agree that the owner of the business is being incredibly shitty, I think the underlying ruling makes sense.
I’m sorry anyone has to worry about bad AQI, but I have to say, as someone who lives in Wisconsin, I’m just glad it has moved away from us for a bit. The past week to two weeks has been horrible for us, every day I wake up with an air quality alert on my phone. We’re keeping the kids indoors as much as we can, but…
It’s a neat idea, but if you can softland a device on the asteroid, couldn’t you just softland a motor and push it out of the way? Maybe this requires less fuel, but it’s also slower and less continuous.
I agree. I really wish they had done more Indy movies while Harrison was younger, but they didn’t. Of course, as you said, they don’t need to do an Indy movie, they just need a period adventure movie with a likeably hero and a macguffin to find. Indy, itself, was based on old serials that Lucas and Spielberg liked as…
That’s a tough one. I’m a 6'4" tall, heavy white guy with a goatee. I’m also pretty much a teddy bear, but I am aware that I can be intimidating to anyone who doesn’t know me. (In fact, I was once thanked for not getting upset when the food I had ordered for pick up was running late. I literally just sat in my car,…