Julius Pepperwood

The praise for “realism” always bugged me since the show on UnReal is edited in real time and the contestants have access to media about themselves. The real time aspect added urgency to the stories but I would have liked a drama about how reality TV producers manipulate contestants knowing they can take out the stuff

Sometimes I think the people who like Trump are the people who would see an absolutely hideous dress on Project Runway and repeat Nina Garcia’s inexplicable praise even though you only need eyes to see that Nina was in full crack smoking judge mode.

Always star the Stitch gifs.

according to another commenter

There’s a brilliant “Bad Reporter” cartoon where Lex Luthor complains about media bias because of all the positive stories about Superman.

If he said, “The show resembles Big Brother more than anything on the Bachelor.” I’d think he has a point.

If you got a good Japanese market in the neighborhood you can find bigger packs of flavored seaweed for about $3. They’re flat unlike those packages but I grew up with them and always saw whem as a big treat.

I was commenting elsewhere, I think there’s a core philosophy difference between FO3 and NV. In NV, you change the world and your arrival changes the future for the people you meet. In FO3, you really feel like just one guy. You can make things a little better, but life in Big Town is always going to suck no matter

When I played FO3 the first time I definitely felt like it had its meat gates, I made the mistake of going in the direction away from Megaton (I have a weird ability to do just the wrong thing the first time I play a game) and just as quickly ran into stuff I couldn’t handle. Learned to go right on the path to Megaton

NV felt more “lived in” to me, maybe because you step into the world and the stories you step into already have history. The prison was overthrown and a gang that took over is threatening the town and has threatened the next town over — which the NCR is helpless to fix. In FO3 I liked Megaton but it was one of those

That’s a great Twitter description. Jones was also in the inaugural MadTV cast and he had a cute run as a clueless 7Up pitchman in a series of ads (which can be found on YouTube).

Am I the only one wondering why they aren’t cooking it in a water bath?

April has a prosthetic arm; an educated guess says she had it bitten off by a shark.

On another note it also matters legally because it changes the meaning of anti-sodomy laws. Saying it’s a choice has been vital for passing anti-gay laws in Africa (pushed by the people who were fighting marriage equality here) including the proposed Ugandan bill to make sodomy a death penalty offense. After all, if

He’s desperate for national media coverage considering that he thinks he should get the Republican nomination and the only campaign news is about who Trump dissed today.

This is the person who used to have a segment dedicated to discussing politics with Pat Buchanan. She loves a good debate.

Ooooh, I’m going to have to try that when it gets cold!

Yeah, on cereral I prefer the unsweetened nut/coconut milks. There’s usually enough sweetness in corn or oats to make it just right.

Sigh. I love his show and in theory so does my husband but I usually watch it online by myself because usually he gets really upset and starts feeling hopeless about John’s topic.

That’s my primary association with the word.