Julius Pepperwood

Of course, that’s why they try to turn the marriage equalty debate to “teaching homosexuality” in kindergarten. It’s effective because it plays back to their view of gay people as pervs with a weird fetish, instead of people who are attacted to the same gender. Talk about a dying man wanting to have his husband named

I don’t like frozen and thawed bread but I’ll throw any odd bread I have by the end of the week into a bag I keep in the freezer. When the bag is full it’s time to make a traditional bread pudding.

What gets me upset nowadays is when we’re on vacation. I used to be able to bring the leftovers back for a cold breakfast but the only fridge in so many hotel rooms are filled with items for sale and sensors that charge you if you move them.

Mary Poppins is the only one I relate to, having once cleaned up my roommate’s puke before he woke up because it was keeping me from going back to sobering sleep.

In this case, I took the use as referring to the gendered connotations. I took de Moraes’ headline as very sarcastic. When Wallace was hired they were looking to take The View in a more substantial direction (they even hired away Rachel Maddow’s longtime producer) but when it didn’t immediately boost ratings ABC

Well they just debuted a show about a trans teen and her family. They really should have announced the cancellation of 19K&C before it debuted tho.

I remember reading it goes well with duck, cuts through the fat but I don’t think the article incldued any recipes, just chefs talking about how they were using it in their restaurants.

Probably to make the gif file smaller. Gifs can get pretty big, though this one is pretty small and doesn’t have a ton of movement.

I thought season three was too campy (words I never thought I’d say). At least, there were too damn dramatic moments that undid the last dramatic moment (which probably undid another dramatic moment... you know like when Cordelia blinded herself) and it often seemed like it was a matter of not being able to say no to

Ugh. Whenever discussions of diversity come up, suddenly they’re these idealists who just want the best, most qualified person for the job. And we’ve got an amazing cast here. Do they think another Will Ferrell movie would be better? The guy is at the point he needs new genres to be funny (okay the whiny manchild

Oddly, I learned about “Masher” from Muppet Magazine. In one story a bunch of vegetable puppets are telling each other jokes and one of them was something like “What do you call a vegetable who is a real jerk to the ladies? A masher!” Seems like a disturbing thing to joke about in hindsight.

Also, for anyone with a weakness for funny squeaky voices. I think the minions hit almos the same spot Stitch and Charlie Day do.

Wait. I thought the minions were all gay or asexual? The only female minions I’ve seen were created for minion memes about reinforcing gender stereotypes.

What we call sprinkles usually look like little lines, so they have a confetti look in a mass.

I was hoping that would show up.

That’s exactly how I feel. When Noah was first announced, I was thrilled based on his TDS work. When his tweets found new prominience I was annoyed but I’ll give him a chance to bring out the guy who makes jokes challenging Americentricsm.

One of the bits of nuance I liked was how the NCR was homophobic while the Legion, while misogynisyic, was more accepting of gay men.

Actually, I went on my own little bit of shopping insanity whenI found out what REAL, real red velvet cake is. Went looking for an cocoa alkaline enought that it would react with the buttermilk. Wasn’t easy and it didn’t come out very red. Later I found recipes suggesting I add beet juice (and maybe beets) but by then

why don’t you just eat sugared butter if that’s all you’re after?

Is cookie dough ice cream made with real cookie dough with raw eggs? I had a recipe once for a “raw cookie dough” that didn’t have eggs (but lots of butter) so I always figured it was something like that. Or pasteurized egg whites.