Julius Pepperwood

Yes because you missed the point of the list in a way that actually substantially undermines it. Simone made a much more powerful point because it wasn’t a list of characters who were fridged but all deaths/depowerings. It wasn’t cherrypicked and it was much harder to overlook what it was saying because so few of the

This happened to me on io9 a while ago and a male poster wouldn’t believe that Gwen Stacy’s death was fridging even after I pointed to Gwen Stacy being listed on the Women in Refrigerators website...?!?

Yep. I didn’t like the idea of them in 2008 and I’m not obliged to start liking them now, even if Ted Devine supports them.

Wasn’t there a conservative, female writer who had a sucessful career who famously wrote a piece on how women shouldn’t have careers? She wasn’t about to give her writing career up, either, to be an example for womankind.

You’re right about brainwashing. I think a lot of the GOP power coms from memes they created and furthered over decades. The idea of the “tax and spend Democrat,” the idea that anyone who opposes war is an annoying, lecturing hippy (who is also a hypocrite about the things they preach), the idea that the only “strong”

Seriously. This is one of my biggest worries about Clinton. The Republicans have a history of trying to suppress turnout among liberals by attacking Democrats from the left. I think she’s really vulnerable to a series of attack ads contrasting the language she used then to the language they used now. A solid mea culpa

Your biggest and most important issue is fiscal responsibility. Whom do you vote for?

Oh holy @#$%. Instead of litmus tests on how potential SCOTUS nominees feel about Roe v Wade or Citizens United, can we demand that they know actual facts about how the world works? Instead of scrutinizing their positions, let’s have them explain how health care insurance works and whether you can pick and choose

It’s on Netflix. With english subtitles!

I just wish del Castillo would stop being in the news long enough for me to finish watching La Reina del Sur without feeling bad for watching it.

You are a hero.

Worse, he got a steady job right after going on a “I learned nothing from they Grey’s experience” interview tour.

I’ve always thought she withdrew herself from consideration because she knew she wouldn’t be nominated, and was trying to save face in the shittiest way possible.

Remember her refusing to accept the Emmy nomination because she thought her writers did a poor job with her character one season?

Still, this may be a test of how much conservative PACs can turn off their supporters brains with ads that just say “Tell your Senator to vote NO on the radical Garland and Obama’s extremist agenda.” with no context. They pretty much do that already with Congress.

Ooooo! Roku says Superman Returns is on HBO GO. I’ll watch it soon!

“We had these disasters in neoconservatism and neoliberalism and he is an alternative to both of those paths.”

Nah, my husband is just a snob who likes to brag how long it’s been since he ate at McDonalds.

Nah, DC’s got decades on Marvel in terms of merchandising to girls. Heck, they’ve got a Bumblebee action figure. BUMBLEBEE. From the Teen Titans run that lasted like nine issues.

That’s too bad. I remember how I eventually learned to stop going to see Orlando Bloom in movies. No matter how much better looking he is with dark hair, he was only interesting as Legolas.