Julius Pepperwood

Just looking at how Republicans go through their phases where they attack PBS for not having the vulture instincts of other businesses, I suspect its a matter of time.

It's kinda like the quest in Skyrim where you find the lighthouse and realize that the family that moved there with so many hopes and dreams were killed because charus dug their way into the home.

I think that view is especially the case with a show where the writing is as inconsistent as BBT. Quality is so up and down, the audience would need 24 episodes to notice if CBS just had them film old sitcom scripts and added a few nerd culture references. Some episodes are well written but so often the cast carries a

You know, PETA, this would be a lot less obnoxious if you instead combined the offer to pay water bills with an investment in urban farming initiatives and vegan cooking classes.

She's be a great president until the Republicans try to impeach her for making the sloth the national animal.

Also me. My husband and I are those people who don't get around to seeing a movie until it appears on some streaming service we already subscribe to. I still watch Once Upon a Time, so I hope they put Frozen on Netflix before that show does its Frozen arc but I'm more likely to use an unfamiliar tale as an excuse to

Eileen Davidson was the soaps' Tatiana Maslany before we knew about Tatiana Maslany.

From what I remember of the episode, there was debate about ending the pregnancy as Lena believed she could just tough it out and not have to give up the pregnancy.

I was told bears are great at dancing. People pay money to see bears dance.

The extended trailer I saw had Anderson's character throw his son a bar mitzvah that had elements of black culture (after pushing an African rite of passage on him and freaking out about him wanting to be Jewish), so I'm remaining hopeful the show an experience like yours is part of the show.

Yeah, this is closer to someone suing the city transit department because she got kicked off a bus for trying to stop black people from sitting in the front seats.

TJ's produce isn't great in my area but the mainstream grocery store is usually worse with the exception of greens.

I'd add that corporate controls a lot of the franchisees costs since they have to order their food, most equipment and marketing materials. (Plus sometimes corporate acts as landlord, as mentioned above.)

Was the snowboarder the really girly one who had a t-shirt with a cartoon bunny? She was amazing, just strolling across like it were nothing. I loved the contrast between her and the champion who was really butch.

It's probably the same instinct that made my lactose-intolerant husband cringe when I described the coconut-milk mochi ice cream we used to get from Trader Joe's (I miss those so much) as vegan. Smug omnivores.

There was a brief moment when Oxygen looked like they had potential. They picked up two British comedies, Suburban Shootout (an awesome show about two rival gangs run by women everyone else sees as quiet housewives) and Nighty Night (an antihero comedy with a lead a little too awful for my taste, even if I

There was also a very brief window where Oxygen was trying to be a smarter, edgier Lifetime, defined by two imported comedies Suburban Shootout (massively underrated) and Nighty Night. I think that got derailed when the Bad Girls Club did well.

There are some rules in how you have to complete the obstacle (they usually concern what parts of the obstacles you can touch) but those rules are almost never articulated to the audience (mostly when someone accidentally breaks the rule). Overall, there's a lot of flexibility in how to complete a challenge and part

The original Japanese version has a women's spin-off. At first, I was annoyed at the idea of needing a separate version for women to succeed but then I saw that it was heavily focused on balance, acrobatics and timing. I'd love to see a similar spin-off, except I wouldn't make it a women-only competition. I'd like to

Damnit, Marvel, just give the world the Carol Danvers vs Karla Sofen movie we want.