It's Life with Archie, a series set in Archie's future that has already seen Miss Grundy die from renal failure soon after her wedding to Mr Weatherbee, Cheryl Blossom deal with sexual harassment in Hollywood.
It's Life with Archie, a series set in Archie's future that has already seen Miss Grundy die from renal failure soon after her wedding to Mr Weatherbee, Cheryl Blossom deal with sexual harassment in Hollywood.
I keep repeating this when posting on all the Hobby Lobby articles but it is far too important a point to ignore: Hobby Lobby covered the very same birth control they now wish to deny their employees up until 2012. In what world did these 5 Supreme Court Justices have access to that information and still rule in…
Now, now, remember. Its far worse to be called a bigot than to face discrimination because of bigotry.
There is a delay. It does not take decades. That might call for a ban on people who have not been monogamous for a certain period (from the sounds of this thread its five years), but not for excluding every MSM who has had sex with another man since the 70s.
Thing is, the questions for other risks are very specific. The ban on MSM is a blanket ban on any man who has sex with another man since the 70s. You can narrow it down to people who have had unprotected sex with more than one partner in the last five years or in a shitton of other ways based on actual risk analysis.
That kid drives me crazy because she lisps like some obnoxious cartoon idea of what a cute kid sounds like.
The most disgusting thing my mom made was a salad made of somein noodles with fish cake encased in unflavored canten (a seaweed-derived gelatin, it's got a firmer, less stretchy texture... and you only realize jello has a stretchy texture when you eat canten) served with somein dressing on the side. I might not have…
I think Albuquerque has the perfect climate. It gets hot in the summer but at least nights are usually cool and other places get hotter. (Plus evaporative coolers can really help without using all the power that an AC does.) However, our winters get cold enough to snow but its still warm enough that the snow on the…
My mom used to make that in the 80s, it's delicious until the dipping bowls become a disgusting mess.
While I don't think there are "good" and "bad" uses of birth control, I think there's something to be said about using the "good" birth control to isolate the extremists from acceptable company.
They're a bunch of wankers who only give a shit about gay men.
I do wonder how much is just ignorance. At every Pride event I've attended, there's someone raising money for the HRC who talks about how the HRC fights homophobic Republican legislation. I'm sure they get a decent amount from people who like that idea and don't know the group's actual activity.
You are right! It's in North Carolina where it's now a misdemeanor to have a marriage ceremony without a legal marriage license, so they're trying to use the state to control churches.
Alternatively, if you want to define marriage as a strictly religious institution, gay couple have had the right to marry for decades. Of course, those people are pretty blatant about their belief that any church that doesn't hate gay people is just some liberal hippie sham-church concocted for the sake of arguing…
I can't remember which red state (Oklaholma? Kansas?) where a local pol suggested he'd push to get rid of marriage in order to deal with the possibility of a court ruling that would put marriage equality in place.
When I lived in the Bay Area I'd regularly see Buddha Hand in markets (at the right time of the year) not that I had any clue what to do with it other than to try to candy it or just stare at the shape.
At my local international market there's a 50/50 chance of someone knowing what I'm talking about if I need help finding an item (more confusingly their aisles are organized by geography, so sometimes you just have to know the shelf-stable rice cakes they carry are a Korean brand, so if you want mochi you need to go…
I better get working on that reboot of Prez the teenage president (an actual short-lived comic book series).
I love "pumpkin spice" but that's because four of my favorite flavors are nutmeg, cinnamon, ginger and cardamom. I'd be obsessed with chai (with all that cardamom) if it were easier to find unsweetened chai drinks. I have found sugar-free pumpkin spice syrup.
There's a small chain in the Bay Area, Asqew Grill, that has (had? I hope they're still around) amazing grilled tofu steaks... or, they're amazing if you get there are the right time and get some tofu that has been soaking in marinade for hours, letting it soak all the way in.