I guess that explains why service is always good at the casinos... except at the anti-union Venetian. We've been to the Venetian's restaurants a few times and it's always like we came in time for the D-team.
I guess that explains why service is always good at the casinos... except at the anti-union Venetian. We've been to the Venetian's restaurants a few times and it's always like we came in time for the D-team.
I'm pretty sure that's not how it works in all states. Not too long ago they were talking on the news about enacting that tipped workers are guaranteed full minimum wage if tips don't bring them there in Alberquerque.
He looks like he wanted to go naked but knew it would be blurred on TV so he just decided "Fuck it, I'll just wear a black bar over my naughty bits."
I don't dislike it but I find it far less engaging. I played The Sims 3 for hours and there were aspects I like... it just didn't create the kind of fanaticsm The Sims 2 did. I have all the TS2 expansions and only stopped buying TS1 expansions when my game started running slow. I haven't bought any TS3 expansions.
In The Sims 2 I had entire neighborhoods where I created all the families, carefully played them each for three days at a time giving each one a turn so that they would all age at the same time and just lived out their lives raising children, going out downtown, etc. They all had really nice lives.
We desperately need to smash the two-party system. It only works to make our government less effective. I wish we could have a national movement for Instant Runoff Voting.
This. Thank you. Huntsman is only moderate when you surround him with Tea Party types. (Then again, that's kinda the point of letting the extremists in.)
Even with those hires, MSNBC is pretty good. Their overall line-up of hosts and guest-hosts (the training grounds for future hosts) is fairly diverse. Plus, the last host hired by MSNBC is Jose Diaz-Balart (his show debuts this month sometime). Chris Hayes and Steve Kornacki earned their shows over other contributors…
A general rule in TV news is not to admit to having guest hosts, on the theory that there's a chunk of the audience that won't tune in if they know the regular host is off.
Which, it should be noted, isn't the case with MSNBC's morning shows.
For me it's the end of Life on Mars.
Thing is, when I look at her Senate career and the fact that she surrounds herself with a lot of the people her husband hired, I see someone who could be a strong fighter... but not someone who I think will fight for particular issues as much as for maintaining her career.
I think there is a difference between attacking a female politician for her record and her policy positions and, say, spinning bizarre theories about her children because you miss the days when soap operas dominated daytime television.
The one responsible for Bates Motel can stay. Also, permanent pass for Bryan Fuller.
I totally passed on The Originals because I thought those characters dragged down The Vampire Diaries, but by the time a friend convinced me it was worth taking a chance on the show was way past five episodes so, ugh pass. Similarly, I tried watching Reign, thought the first episode fun but didn't get around to…
I think Hannibal is also like those Canadian dramas that now air stateside. Another cable channel, AXN, pays the bulk of the cost and its popular on AXN's channels worldwide. NBC gets to air it first, but if they cancel it it's a lot less likely to destroy the series.
I wanted to like this so much. I try to watch it every season but its one of those sitcoms where every episode feels like a rerun I've seen before. I'd like to have a sitcom about a mixed family, I love it when Bryne jokes about being hapa.
I still get furious about the Asian-American activists who went after Cho like they'd rather be rendered invisible than see actors of Chinese and Japanese descent play Cho's family. I hope they enjoyed their 20 years of barely existing in the media.
It's not just the casting slides. Even when the casting slides specify the role is open to all ethnicities, most casting directors will only send their white clients.
You got to remember to include the corruption. It's not just conservatism that makes gambling super-illegal, it's that there are now business interests who would rather Hawaii residents travel to get their gambling fix.