Julius Pepperwood

Sadly, the Xbox 360 was on its way to making an all-in-one device. You could play games, listen to music and watch movies on the one device well. People were using it that way. I bought a 360 because the combined package was compelling and PC games were getting harder to buy from a brick and mortar store.

The sad thing about the Kinect is that there was an Xbox ad showing all the cool things people do with the Kinect, cool things they did by hacking the Kinect and finding new uses for it. They should have taken a lesson from Nintendo and make sure they had a few must-have killer games that made use of the motion. Dance

If BBC America were to have a fit of insanity and suddenly cancel Orphan Black they could instantly calm my rage by announcing that they were spinning off a buddy comedy about Alison and Felix.

As someone who likes a lot of different kinds of food and likes to cook, I find I'm much more likely to inflate my perception of something just on how difficult the technique behind the dish or how hard the ingredients are to find are. Then again, I remember wishing I ordered the lemon creme brulee when I tried my

Homebrew hipster says call me when people start drinking Graff (a cider/beer hybrid — Trader Joe's macintosh apple juice makes a delicious graff with pilsner gains).

Coming from Hawaii, I can't eat at Panda Express. It's not that the Aloha State gave me such a refined palate for Chinese food, but Honolulu Panda Express units used to carry Almond Floats (which is basically a canned fruit cocktail plus gelatin cubes flavored with milk and almond extract that's popular in Hawaii). My

Sheesh. None of these are on my wish list if my current grocery buggy dies. Am I the only gay man still squeeing over the adorable-ness of a Mini Cooper? (I also like tiny, tiny cars for the maneuverbility. What most rental car companies call a "compact" makes me nervous I'm about to hit something.) I'll also be happy

That was the formula, tho. Cast a big, unproven name for the top roles, get people who have earned respect from a Broadway audience for the supporting roles. The Carrie Underwood casting gets the people who don't know Audra McDonald from Kristen Chenoweth, the Audra McDonald casting is for the people who are invested

I hate for everyone to suffer for the general population to care about an issue but perhaps how fucked up our expectations for male actor bodies will get people to care about eating disorders and body image issues. It would be nice to see bros stop their lecturing about how men are visual unlike women and its just

Bobby Flay did get raped, in one episode. It was done by a scammer played by Estella Warren. She was dating notable men, giving them a blackout drug and then using a vibrator so she could sell their semen for a designer sperm bank.(IIRC her mother's designer sperm bank, played by Lynda Carter who was my entire reason

The hairdresser who created the line of hair care products that bear his name and lived in Hawaii? Yes he did, I remember it happening. Is there another Paul Mitchell in Hawaii famous enough that people would call his home the Paul Mitchell Estate? (If you do a search for "Paul Mitchell Estate" you get a URL that

He definitely doesn't. He died in 1989.

Either way, neither scenarios are directly indicative of homophobia anymore than the Polanski case was an antisemitic witch hunt or the R. Kelly case was racism. I think we need to be very responsible with throwing around those sort of terms.

In British gay terminology, "chicken" is/was more commonly used when "twink" would have been used. (At least from my understanding they have the same meaning but the preference seems cultural.) I have no idea where it comes from but the obvious thing to call someone who likes people called chicken is a chickenhawk.

SHUT UP! I still send Julie Brown hate mail because I wasn't expecting a Citizen Kane spoiler in "The Homecoming Queen's Got a Gun" All art must go on pause until I've seen it. Then they can ignore everyone else who hasn't watched/read it.

The thing I'm mixed on was a friend spoiled me on Goblet of Fire to me because she got annoyed with hearing me speculate on the identity of the traitor (? IIRC, that was the big mystery). I read it a few years after it came out and maybe I should have picked up she didn't want to play that game but seemed a rather

This might be a spoiler depending on how broad you consider something a spoiler but...

The only time I get angry about spoilers is when a major site does a serious dismissal of the politeness window. For a little while Zap2It would post recaps of The Apprentice (SHUT UP, NBC USED MY LOVE OF GEORGE TAKEI AND CYNDI LAUPER FOR EVIL) that would name who was eliminated in the headline before the show had

I thought the Red Wedding was going to be devistating because it would lead to Robb Stark's rant about welfare queens and degenerates like Renly Baratheon.

I remember those and I still wince from how perfect the sardine ones were. They somehow weren't oily but left an oily impression in your mouth like you did eat sardines. It was a perfect match of manufacturer and crazy product idea.