Julius Pepperwood

Interestingly, Bates Motel's audience has gotten younger which suggests viewers who remember Psycho aren't the ones watching.

I don't have a problem with remakes. I just think there should be a thematic point to it. Remaking Life on Mars for US audiences should have been about the way American culture changed since the 70s. A Carrie remake today could ask how social networking changes things.

The true issue is people use Microwaves to cook premade shit meals. So now people equate MW with being unhealthy... when if you use it as a tool to reheat health homemade meals it is simply a time saver.

My Bosch dishwasher has the amazing ability to make dishes more dirty. I've even tried only putting washed dishes in it, the damned thing finds debris to stick to the dishes.

I have ADD tendencies where I start thinking of other things I need to do while stirring the pot, waiting for it to heat up so then I move on to try to multi task saying I'll return to do more stirring. Making hot chocolate on the stove usually ends in a pot with a burnt crust.

My mother didn't believe in dishwasher's either and it's destroying my life that our newish Bosch dishwasher is a PoS. My life was greatly improved by having dishwashers that worked.

I primarily know Matheson's name because of my husband who brought my attention to his name by saying "Yeah, Richard Matheson wrote all the creepiest Twilight Zones" just as I was excitedly putting my new DVD with "Living Doll" into the player. Now he'll use Matheson's name to get me to watch a movie. (The presence of

That doesn't sound too strange to me. I'm hapa and grew up hearing every so often about how biracial children are so beautiful, so she very well could have had it in her head that if she wanted imagine having beautiful children she'd find a white guy to mix DNA with. Kids are weird, some think of marriage as the end

I took it as an accusation of hypocrisy, saying that perhaps someone whose DNA didn't give her a traditionally feminine form like Williams should use a little empathy before discussing if Jonsson is sufficiently feminine or judging Bono's masculinity.

There was the time The Daily Show twitter feed trolled Jon Huntsman. (Huntsman was doing a twitter Q&A with the hashtag #AskJon. TDS announced a Jon Hamm Q&A with the hashtag #AskJon.)

Wow. I actually watched I Want to Work for Diddy for Laverne Cox (and a gay Iraq vet on the show). I didn't realize the trans woman I watched in that reality show eventually became the amazing OiNB star she is today.

I know, right? I can't believe I'm old enough to remember being excited, then disappointed over the 80s Twilight Zone. The more recent one was much better and remaking "The Monsters On Maple Street" as a post-9/11 story was pretty brave.

Oh. Wow. That's terrible. I'm so sorry to hear that happened to you.

Yeah, there's a weird unspoken etiquette about how guys use urinals, like trying to have an unoccupied urinal between you and another guy. (Heck, I've seen bathrooms with lines where guys have waited for three urinals to be free — one for them to use and two to offer buffer — before they would move. It just didn't

Wow. I didn't realize people like that still existed. It seems like a new level of low-information voting to be someone who still has Dixiecrat feelings and still votes for Democratic candidates... unless locally there are still Democrats who still campaign for the former Dixiecrats' votes? I'd imagine they'd have to

Even when a point is being made about double standards in media, it seems like there's a hesitancy to getting the guy to show as much skin. The straddling the log bit looked odd because his thighs were covered and hers weren't.

Sorry.You made me imagine Microsoft Office with a Candy Crush-themed overlay, with the announcer cheering "Row frozen!" or "File! Opened!" the way he announces "Delicious!" Now I am very amused.

Yeah, that seemed like a really strange thing to find odd. Red bean paste is a common Japanese sweet. It's even a common ice cream flavor and a filling in frozen Japanese sweets. Finding a daifuku-inspired flavor strange is like puzzling over the idea of green tea ice cream.

On one hand, if you pay your workers decently they might decide they'd rather spend their money on better food than what McDonald's serves.

Franchise owners have leeway when it comes down to the wages they pay. Where they don't have leeway is with franchise fees, being able to stop McDonald's corp from letting someone open a McDonald's across the street from yours (bad for you, because that reduces your sales, good for McDonald's corp because it still