Julius Pepperwood

I think it hinted at the racism with the sex-hating lady from the View playing a sassy black woman. When they did jokes that was just about her voice coming out of the white characters, I had to take a break.

If you're talking about black actors who haven't aged, we should talk about Bianca Lawson, who only just stopped getting cast as high school students a couple decades after Buffy ended.

I'm going to nitpick and say if you're going to count Lyndie Greenwood as part of the cast you should probably count some of the other recurring cast members like John Cho, Nicholas Gonzalez and John Noble. That does reduce the representation of Black actors to being 3 out of 8 but a 5 out of 8 PoC ratio is even

Eh, boxer briefs are so 1998. Even Haines makes them now. The sexy everyday underwear is the trunk which is basically a boxer brief that shows a little more leg.

I think "honest" is meant in comparison to The Bachelor's insistence that the winner finds twu wuv in the end with the Bachelor/Bachelorette. Those VH1 shows made no pretense about not being trash, which is only charming if you've spent too many hours rolling your eyes at the TV while watching The Bachelor.

I just don't get that. I can maybe understand tweeting to Young "I hate Mellie!" (which would be rude, but I could understand that, I've been tempted to do something similar only with a "Stop being so good at playing a villain!") but a lot of people have problems separating.

Back in the day, I didn't like her but there was something different when she came out of prison. She seemed a little more relaxed, a little more gracious and a little more humble. Her daily talk show was fun.

You know, that's the thing. So many of these exercises in analytics are still crap. Netflix had something effective in predicting how you'd rate a movie but that doesn't seem to have been transferred to their WI recommendations which tends to follow a "You liked the nuanced and intellectual comedy of Louie? Clearly

In fairness, tho, I think it's more a matter of Minority Report just paying attention to the dreams expressed by marketers.

What? The headline says "Escapes Pull of 'Gravity'", "Pull of Gravity" is a specific and commonly used phrase. Does anyone talk about escaping the "Pull of Slavery"? I can see why people have a problem with it, but the copy editor probably thought "Pull" specified it as a physics wordplay.

I still haven't seen a song list so I continue to hope that "We'd Like to Thank You Herbert Hoover" gets updated as a song for George W. Bush.

  • Now, if you want to call that "sensationalism," please go right ahead do so. I call it reminding people (just like you, probably) that these "celebrities", just like some of the members of the Duck Dynasty "family," are promoting some pretty fucked up nonsense that really needs to be scrutinized a lot more.

I watched a few episodes this season and it certainly looked like Ted was going to try to steal Robin away from Barney. I guess that lead to one of those HIMYM twists where it turns out he was just planning a really sweet wedding gift? That's not much better, I can accept that kind of thing out of Barney but another

Interesting. That makes me think, too of the theory that one aspect of homophobia is a sense of outrage at men losing their privilege of being the ones who are not looked at sexually.

I realized that when I made the mistake of watching the second season premiere. I was so annoyed when MTV gave that guy a spin-off instead of Dani. Then again, if Dani's reality show was anything like that guy's (I can't remember his name) she dodged a bullet.

It was capable of funny arcs like the Slap bet and Robin Sparkles in the early years, but the last few years have been incredibly lazy with jokes about a sassy black lady's voice coming out of white people and how SUVs are gas guzzlers.

In later seasons I found Ted annoying because he had these smug qualities that the show kept portraying as cute (actually they would be cute if only Ted knew when to pull back). But I gave up after a few episodes of Ted scheming to win back Robin. Only an asshole tries to break-up his two very close friends' wedding

The one time I found her funny was when she appeared on "Thank God You're Here" a terrible "improv" show that wasn't really improv but just mad libs (the ensemble would start to say something crazy and look to the guest to finish it). Most guests tried to play along and it wasn't very good but she was seriously funny

I think it says plenty about societal acceptance of the male gaze... or that gay men are more likely to pursue the gaze while straight men are accustomed to not wanting to be looked at sexually.

Anyone who likes this should look up the "Birdwatching" topic at World of Wonder.